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  1. P

    Cheating: Pro's and Con's

    For me, cheating is wrong. If a woman cheats on me, it's over. Depending on my curiosity level at the time I may want to know the reason, but apart from that, I don't care about why or excuses, it's over. I'd never cheat, and i'd also never do anything with someone who is in a relationship...
  2. P

    Why men are losing interest in women

    I saw a news story that a thought was aweful. It was about a little girl (about... 11-12 years old) that wrote a children's book about 2 kids that were friends, one had two mothers and one had two daddies. Guess the sexual orientation of the parents..... lesbians! of course. The poor kid is...
  3. P

    Why men are losing interest in women

    Oh no.... I just saw an ad on TV about a news story "Who spends more time with their children? Stay at home mothers or working mothers? The surprise new study"...... I can just hope that by "surprise" it means they're not actually going to come up with some crap about working mothers being more...
  4. P

    Why men are losing interest in women

    Re: Re: I think that hit the nail on the head. Ask one of these females to go outside and paint the house while you go do some shopping, and watch as they have a hissy fit over how they shouldn't have to do that, yet they're happy to preach about being independant. Same thing with the...
  5. P

    Girl-version of AFC's!!!!!!!!

    We need a male version of sex in the city..... Give the females of the world something to think about from another perspective other than them being in complete control. There are barely any female-AFCs because most are so complacent in their position (ie. having the power). I bet females...
  6. P

    a group of girls insulted me and now i feel horrible

    #1: it's her loss. Move on to the next one. #2: Do NOT change yourself in any way if YOU are happy with yourself. #3: She's a cheerleader, therefore an airhead. She most likely craves attention.... so starve her of that.
  7. P

    jealousy tests

    I get this all the time. They mention it like "haha isn't that funny" but it's a test and they're looking for something or doing something.... I once got "I got an offer the other day, and he wasn't bad. But i turned him down for you"..... I though "that's good, wanna medal?" but replied...
  8. P

    Damn youngins

    Well i'm from Queensland, Australia, and the legal age here is 16. Once they're over 16 they can do whoever they want (there is an exception to those who are in a position of power over them, e.g. teacher or doctor etc.).. Anyway, I thought there was a 2 year grace period in the U.S. (not...
  9. P

    Can't Get Over Her!!! Please Help Me!!

    I'm pretty AFC myself, but my suggestion is you go pick up others... again, and again, and again, and before you know it, you won't even remember her name.
  10. P

    The labels we give ourselves

    Good point. Be confident about yourself..... i'd say my username is quite neutral :)
  11. P

    Why men are losing interest in women

    I'm by no means an expert on any of this, but from what i observe.... I think females could be wanting the power more these days as the article says, BUT not the responsibility that comes with it. They may act to gain the power in a relationship, but when it comes to responsibilities like...
  12. P

    I dont understand it, i do not mind sitting at home by myself

    I don't mind social things every now and then.... a good big party is nice too, but alone time is a wonderful thing to me too. Especialy when I can't sleep, and everyone else is in bed/out for the night etc. and I just walk into the backyard, pull up a chair and listen to the sweet sound of not...
  13. P

    LTR Question

    *sigh* I hate being an AFC and knowing it... ignorance is bliss. Another lame question.... I cut off contact with her, and she hasn't made any to me either (to be expected, she never initiates it, this is like a power game to her)... and considering the frequency of our normal contact, it has...
  14. P

    CNN article: AFC in the extreme or just "in love?"

    If he succeeds, why did he get her back? Because he spent $17k? Does he have to spend money to keep her happy? Buy her a card, write her a letter. I couldn't ever do that. I'de be stuck wondering if it was the money spent on her that brought her back or did she really want to. At least if you...
  15. P

    LTR Question

    Thank you for all the advice. I'm slowly learning.... it'll take some time though to break through my AFCness, but I can do it :)
  16. P

    LTR Question

    the_great_gaia, I know that kind of thing will work with some.... but here's an insight into her personality: she'll treat it like a "battle" and she'll have the mentality "screw that, i'm not contacting him, he has to", she's a very stubborn. But your advice is very good though. I'm not...
  17. P

    LTR Question

    Yeah thanks for the advice. I'm new to it all so I hope I can learn more from here and avoid getting into crappy situations in the first place. I'm 18 and i'm already in a LTR with someone who is "me me me" and absoloutely thrives off drama.... how sad haha. Hopefully I can learn though. Oh...
  18. P

    LTR Question

    Hey, new here, been reading on this DJ stuff... I'm in a LTR (about 1.5 years -- i assume some degree of DJ theory still applies when in a relationship?), and what I want to know is how i should deal with my girlfriend always trying to get the upper hand on me. By that i mean things like...