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  1. AureliusMaximus

    Gf didn't come home one night

    She's been ran through dudebro and she belongs to the streets. Kick her out. The most powerful thing you can do is to walk away Show that you have high standards and respect yourself...
  2. AureliusMaximus

    Leonardo DiCaprio Reveals Why He Won't Date Girls Over 25 Years Old

    As I pointed out in the initial post the preferred median age is 23 to all men regardless of age. The point is not discuss celebrity's at all. The point I'm making that he is just doing the natural thing that most want to do or are already doing. To do it you need to have the abundant mindset of...
  3. AureliusMaximus

    Leonardo DiCaprio Reveals Why He Won't Date Girls Over 25 Years Old

    It's not surprising though because all surveys done on mean from the age 15-90 reveals that the most preferred age for all age brackets are 18-25 and the median age preferred is 23.
  4. AureliusMaximus

    I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable with drinking milk. Thoughts?

    It is not very a smart choice. Because milk is a source of lo good things among those a great source of calcium which you bones need to stay strong. Just like cheese. But milk is less fat than cheese though so its better choice. You can add it to your tea or coffee if you don't like drinking it...
  5. AureliusMaximus

    She says: You think i am fat?

    Exactly, so why not just say the obvious, right? :rofl:
  6. AureliusMaximus

    BRUTAL Asian girl tries to bang white guy in front of her ASIAN BOYFRIEND!

    Wow.. That is brutal. :rolleyes::rofl: Japan, obviously.
  7. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Its also easier that stay in the matrix than to deal with life's challenges and realities. So I suppose that many prefer that than having to deal with taking action in their lives.
  8. AureliusMaximus

    She says: You think i am fat?

    Honestly I don't care. If she ask and she is fat/getting fat the answer from me would be: "Yes". Whatever, if she cannot handle it then don't ask me.
  9. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Metaverse isn't really new by the way. It has already been tried in form of "Second Life" and it failed then and probably will this time too maybe? So in my mind Metaverse is just a 2.0 copy of second life really. Not much of an upgrade so far either. Heck.. I even think the graphics in second...
  10. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Decimus Junius Juvenalis
  11. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Yep, the rabbit hole goes very deep indeed.
  12. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    So when they raise your taxes to take your money you do not have anything against it? Sleepy Joe just signed the "The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022", but it has nothing to do with inflation or lowering inflation. It will allow the IRS to raise the taxes against the poor and the middle...
  13. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Because it is communism and totally unsustainable? USA has already the largest government debt in the all the history of mankind and as such cannot be repaid. Unfunded liabilities = Money that doesn't exist/Government doesn't have so they are unfunded thus printed to...
  14. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    I saw this yesterday and it is quite interesting to see how they had already prepared in late 2019 to nudge the citizens in our western countries in the direction they wanted through social and political science. You need to watch most of the video to understand this more thoroughly... You can...
  15. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    To the point! :up: Sweden = rape capitol of the world (After South Africa which is ranked number one), and also ranked as the second dangerous country in Europe due to gun crime. Diversity is working well for Sweden...
  16. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    If you do not know that then it shows you're still sleeping in the matrix. You need to read up and educate yourself. Ignorance may be bliss, but only to the point where until you wake up and cannot ignore it anymore..
  17. AureliusMaximus

    You're not alpha...

    He's a total nerd... A good nerd maybe in some ways, but still a nerd. :rofl: But also a hypocrite which is why I personally do not like him much. He is warning about the dangers of A.I and it will be the end of and yet he owns two A.I companies... :mad::eek:
  18. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Indeed... What is Billy boi going to do with all the farm land he bought? He now is the single largest owner of US farmland by far now.. 270, 000 acres of US prime farm land...
  19. AureliusMaximus

    Abuse of power.

    Hmm... I'm getting a bit tired of reposting this video below on the SS forum, but according to World Economic Forum: Sounds like an awesome future, errrh? :eek: It is all part of World Economic Forum's ( Global "The Great Reset plan" which is great for them but very...
  20. AureliusMaximus

    Is it better to have multiple wives or a high notch count?

    Why so? Women rather share a real high value guy than settle with a guy of less value. I don't see the issue with this. More wifies (polygamy) are sort of plate spinning too in theory, but more advanced form of it. (Due they are part of your everyday life and you willl have to deal all sorts...