Search results

  1. M

    Are drugs (alcohol, caffeine, smoking...) a necessary thing to cope with society reality?

    I have the key to living long. I have studied this subject quite a bit. From what I have gathered is people that drink like 2 or 3 alcoholic drinks along with an exercise like walking can live the longest. I think its vital to relax in life. Drinking can take the edge off. Other things can do...
  2. M

    What weight of dumbbells do you guys recommend?

    Do I need to increase the weight over time or can i have big muscles with just staying with the same weight?
  3. M

    What weight of dumbbells do you guys recommend?

    They are adjustable.That is the max weight of the set that I want to buy.
  4. M

    What weight of dumbbells do you guys recommend?

    I was thinking of purchasing 2 dumbbells and they each weigh 30lbs. I am 6'1" and I weigh 215lbs
  5. M

    Have any of you tried Kratom?

    What was it like? Good or bad?
  6. M

    Do you guys buy organic foods?

    Jack LaLanne once said that he thought doing exercise is number one and eating is number two. Someone asked him about eating organic food and he said that the body gets used to pesticides over time so he didnt see the need in buying organic food. Everytime I eat organic food I always feel...
  7. M

    Would you guys sleep with a girl if you knew she had herpes?

    Im curious to see the results
  8. M

    Does working out give you energy?

    Is it true that working out gives you more energy? I know some people that say that after they workout that they are beat and dont wanna do anything else. For all you guys that claim that working out gives you more energy do you notice a difference in your energy levels from the weeks that you...
  9. M

    What do you guys think of this work out routine?

    I have a current gym membership that ive had for the past year but havent used it because of COVID. I was thinking about going back in the gym. I have done calesthenics and boxing and didnt really like either one. I am 5'11 and I weigh 215. I live in Texas btw so its very hard to do outside...
  10. M

    What do you guys think of this work out routine?

    I havent lifted in about a year.
  11. M

    Do we become more fearful as we get older?

    Bravo The Prospect. Well said. That was one the best responses that I have ever read on this forum. Very thoughtful and informative. I appreciate that answer to the fullest. Im actually gonna copy and paste it to take it with me on my phone. On a side note do you think I can lessen or get rid of...
  12. M

    Do we become more fearful as we get older?

    Can I increase T by lifting weights?
  13. M

    Do we become more fearful as we get older?

    Im scared to offend people because it seems like nowadays that offending anyone can lead to you getting killed. I see in the news people are getting killed over very small things. Im scared of dying because life is all I know. i dont wanna be dead for eternity. Eternity is a very long time. It...
  14. M

    What do you guys think of this work out routine?

    I am 40 years old. 100 pushups/100 situps/100 dumbell lifts for 3 days a week and for 2 days a week taking a 30 minute bike ride
  15. M

    Do street approaches ever work for you guys?

    Yeah eventually you'll get a hot one. I noticed too that after awhile getting rejected means nothing to you cause you have approached tons of women. Those women that reject you think they are special but in reality they are just a number. They all become a blur after while. I would approach ANY...
  16. M

    Do street approaches ever work for you guys?

    Cold approaching used to be about a 50% chance for me to get a phone number and about 25% chance that the girl actually responds on the phone after I get the number. About a 15% chance that leads to an actual date. Those arent good odds. It takes too much work to cold approach in my opinion.
  17. M

    Do you younger guys consider a 40 year old to be an old man?

    Just curious on what you guys think.
  18. M

    The best kept secret is black women

    I can guarantee on dating sites that a white guy will get way more responses from black women then from white women. I read a statistic somewhere a few years ago that black women get the least messages on those sites. If any of you wanna increase your chances of getting responses then I highly...
  19. M

    Do we become more fearful as we get older?

    I find myself becoming more fearful as I age. I am 40 years old. im scared to offend people, im scared of dying one day, im afraid to get into a fight now cause I feel too old to be in a fight, i literally feel like a weak person mentally and physically. I never used to be like this when I was...