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  1. AureliusMaximus

    Women today....

    The delusion is real, but entertaining.... :rofl:
  2. AureliusMaximus

    Baldness can destroy a man's life

    Its depends still. Its way about personal mentality and attitude mostly that determines if you own it or become negative a loser. There is loads of examples of guys like Jason Statham, Bruce Wills and many others that have turned their baldness into a positive strength instead. So it depends...
  3. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    Guys can spend months, even years to find their perfect "dream" car, motorcycle or whatever, but then it comes to a person they will believing with its enough that that person touches their pee-pee one or two times. It's so important that you vet a potential future partner, but most guys don't...
  4. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    That is pretty sad. Duty sex instead of sex by desire. But that comes with the territory I guess. All relationships with females are transactional and conditional and if you are perceived by them only as the provider then they will not have much for you in store; and once the ring is on the...
  5. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    You never read a book then? Good things might take long time.
  6. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    Here is another angle. To the point.. :up:
  7. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    Right.... I heard of movie X so I have already watched it. Makes full logical sense.
  8. AureliusMaximus

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    TUA #82 - What Do Women Want? HINT, It's not kindness, loyalty or intelligence
  9. AureliusMaximus

    Is Instagram a deal breaker for an LTR?

    True, but if she is on Insta or any other social platform (whatever) she is getting thousands of DM from horny guys and is still advertising herself out there. Girls always have backups and her advertising herself on the internet is still to leave a backup channel open. If she really do...
  10. AureliusMaximus

    Is Instagram a deal breaker for an LTR?

    I don't want my girl do advertise herself to other men on the internet. Full stop.
  11. AureliusMaximus

    I'm stopping actively reaching out to people

    Yeah, most people are "full of themselves", if you stop you're probably going to be a very lonely person in the end. Don't stop because if you continue to be open to life you will at least have more opportunities than most have.
  12. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    US has been broke since 1973 when the last gold standard was dropped.You been living on printed FIAT paper and borrowed money ever since. Still do and probably not for long as US dollar is about/close to lose its status as the world's reserve currency and when that...
  13. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    More like the potential collapse of Western civilaztion if this bs doesn't stop soon. But that is maybe what all these nutters want and is their endgoal too? Go back to the 30'ties or 50'ties and try to find one single person believing in communism then. I would are you to just fine one. You...
  14. AureliusMaximus

    The problem with Tradwife

    Pretty much so. :up:
  15. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    Indeed. People will always compete to secure resources to themselves, their nearest family and friends and attempt to improve their lives. It's just human nature and one of the reasons why Capitalisms work because it allows people willing to work for it to improve their lives. It encourage...
  16. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    But that is because Capitalisms do work and is the only system that has really worked, vetted, proven and still working. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    Well the Scandinavian countries have some of the highest living standard of the world, but it comes with price that everything here is insanely expensive and very high taxes. Free education and healthcare (dentist/dental care is not free), but that also comes with a price that the healthcare and...
  18. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    Ha you're funny and and you didn't answer my question. Did Jesus protect people from slavery when the African tribes sold them? No, of course not and Jesus will not protect you either when the police has ceased to exist in the society. Nice deflection tactics, but it doesn't work on me. Either...
  19. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    So you are OK with paying 75% in tax then and also pay 25 VAt in addional tax on everything you buy from the little money you have left then? You do not need to answer that because we already know your answer. Of course no you are not ok with it.
  20. AureliusMaximus

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    Nope, there is police have been doing problematic things here too. Its been cases where people have died when they got arrested. US police is not special in anyway way. We do not have that issue and obsession's with race that you have in USA. No one cares really. Also we do not have...