If you've delt with A long enough you probably couldn't even see B as an option. I've been in that state in my teens. The thrill will leave quick. The B chick is a build up to chick. You've known her for years and became friends as well as lovers. That's why it can be more painful because you...
Depends. The other way around can also be true. Especially if you know there's nothing else the hot ones offer besides that. I wish it wasn't the case for me but that's always been true throughout my youth up until now. Now if she's hot and wholesome I'll be in trouble lol. I get the addiction...
Exactly. When I was around 21 I ended up hitting the lady I was messing with at the time cervix/uid and had to end up taking her to the hospital. Was a very frustrating experience
100% this! That base line is SO important to have! It's a reset every man needs in his arsenal before even considering a relationship. That and the ability to walk away makes you powerful as a man! Good post OP!
No problem. Looks like you already have experience tinkering, so you won't have too much trouble servicing which ever you choose. Back wheel should be more than enough. Front drive would only really be needed seriously if you're going to use it for mountain climbing. Mid drive from what I've...
Depends on what you're using it for. I'd recommend checking out the rad power line of bikes though for the best customer service. I have a blix vika +, rattan 750, and a gotrax ebe2
I have 3 but I stay in a rural area and use them for exercise. Our infrastructure in the U.S just isn't set up well enough for me to fully replace my car though. On top of that vehicles just don't respect you no matter the speed
This 100% Atom! I've had to do that year myself! It's definitely a "game" changer! Never let a woman disrespect you over some poon! Just like soul already has done, your most powerful move is to walk away. If they want you enough, they will come back and apologize. If not? No harm no foul!
Life in general is a risk from the time you are born. This will not change whether you are for or against this vaccine. As long as we live we will have to weigh the pros and cons of everything that we put in our bodies. My issue is when it's the only option and the other options that are being...
Definitely this! Playing piano and anything really that uses your fingers helps strengthen them which helps with other ventures as mentioned. I don't know notes too well but can play by ear some tunes. I used to play after using the heavy bag or speed bag to help with hand speed
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