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  1. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    Women are emotionally driven. If you can't engage their emotions "halfhearted" is all you will get no matter how much RP or PUA tactics you use. Most RP and PUA advice that I have been seeing for the past year or two is all creating transactional situations. If I do 1, 2, & 3 then she will...
  2. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    It is a generic statement,...bounces off of a lot of the other comments in the thread.
  3. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    Of course it is negotiable. We are neither sex robots nor mindless animals. No one is obligated to anyone to give them sex. All around the world people have different cultures and religious cirteria, and even just simple personal criteria,... and there is nothing wrong with a person sticking...
  4. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    Not all have an unlimited supply of women around them as potential dates. Your geography has a lot to do with it. I grew up when I was young in a town of 620 people near a town that was only 1200 people, and the largest one nearby was 10,000. Now (over 40 years later),... Even in a large city...
  5. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    You can even be not thirsty and wait a few dates even without the others. I know I don't have to have others on the side to not be thirsty. I guess I have disciplined myself to not be thirsty in general. I keep a clear head.
  6. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    Yea, is just a stupid rule from the 1970's PUA community at the peak of the "Free Love" movement,...also called the Sexual Revolution. Yes, it is based somewhat on statistics and averages, but it is still a generality and nothing but a generality. It is more true when applied to an amoral...
  7. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    I agree with that, but it isn't what I am seeing in this case. My principle is this: If a guy just wants to get laid then look for "hoes" and "thots" and knock yourself out. You'll have an easier time, less frustrated, and she will probably satisfy you more in bed. I don't personally think...
  8. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    You can't have both. I'm talking about your objective motives,....not how it maybe might turn out in the end.
  9. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    "Project the image" of having a potential future? Or.. Actually have a potential future? In other words,...lying to her to get laid?,...or actually have it be true?
  10. P

    She demands a 5th date out to dinner prior to banging

    I think she knows you only want to get laid and are not really concerned for her herself. She's probably caught between generally liking you, but not wanting to be used for a cheap lay. I think she wants someone willing to build a future with her (family, kids, etc).
  11. P

    Has anyone actually figured out how to combat their princess syndrome?

    No. I have never seen it change. They tend to be a lost cause. If a guy does not succumb to it for her, she just rejects him. To her it is no loss and she never learns. This has been indoctrinated into her thoughout her entire life by institutionalized feminism, her family, her friends, and...
  12. P

    Learning game will Fvck you up

    Yea, that is a good description.
  13. P

    Learning game will Fvck you up

    They weren't learning REAL game,...they were learning sales tactics and manipulation tactics,...and apparently not very well, or had a bad teacher,...probably a scam teacher that took their money. Yea, the women would definitely pick up on it. Real game is just natural social skills with an...
  14. P

    Biggest turnoffs from her on 1st dates? (2021)

    Maybe, maybe not. It can change from minute to minute. If you look at them as walking sex toys you'll get disappointed. This is just for informational purposes,...not saying you are one,... Maybe it is my dark cynical evil experience on Reddit, but a lot of RP leaning guys are often just...
  15. P

    Biggest turnoffs from her on 1st dates? (2021)

    Just keep the place clean and tidy so you don't look like a slob. Anything else just makes it look like you are copying some cheezy movie. Have dinner, watch a movie,...or both at the same time. If you "think you are gonna bang" then you are already in an outcome based mentality, and maybe to...
  16. P

    Where are the bitcoin lovers now?

    You can buy stock of a dying company and make 300x if you can get a bunch of fools on Reddit to pump it up and convince them to "Hold no matter what" as you sell off yours at the peak (while still telling them to hold).
  17. P

    Learning game will Fvck you up

    Yep. I'll repeat this from another reply I made in this thread..... On the "gym" stuff... Remember that animated movie "Up" with the house floating via balloons? It had this dog with a special collar that could talk. It would be in a conversation and in mid sentence it would jerk its head to...
  18. P

    Learning game will Fvck you up

    Yea, that is what I was thinking. The guy who was "oblivious" to game was still using it without knowing it because it was ingrained into him growing up, so he didn't have to learn it fresh. The other guy would had to have learned it,...but in the end they both know it and both use it. I...
  19. P

    I feel sorry for women

    It took forever as it was. No way he could have included all those others. With the point of the book all you need is to show what feminism has done to the major most common ones to get the point across. Yea, there's been a lot of female driven cults,...mostly leaning to the "New Age" or...