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  1. B

    Read this yourtango article...

    I asked her "what she was thinking about" on a date before i kissed her
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    Read this yourtango article...

    That's why I only ate her ***** and I didn't bang her because I have aspergers and nice guy syndrome
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    Read this yourtango article...

    And it says that bad boys are charming and nice guys don't know what to say. I feel like killing myself. I don't to be a nice guy
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    I have the intelligence and charisma to flirt but it doesn't matter cause autism gets in the way
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    I don't identify with someone who comes across as socially awkward and jumps at the sound of fireworks being set off close to me. If I didn't have this condition id be on this forum talking about normal problems. You guys don't have what I have so until ur in my shoes you cant say anything
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    There's no reason why I should have lost this girl other than my faulty wiring. NO REASON and I don't want anybody else
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    I cannot hold a conversation. I can't do anything
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    No I don't and I want the girl I had back and not everyone with aspergers is functional like the guys you mentioned trust me I've done much research. I don't want aspergers and I hate my life. I'm 26 with no friends and no career don't tell me about what I can do cause so far I haven't done ****
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    Well I'm at a distinct disadvantage because I'm Aspergers. I might have game but it doesn't come out because of my biological makeup.
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    Just wanted to say thanks...

    I don't think I'm ready for a girlfriend either. I just wish I could be what I wanna be and get what I had back (a girl who tried so hard to make it work with me). I can't stand the thought now of her knowing about my anxiety. I don't know why I make such bad decisions...
  11. B

    Just wanted to say thanks...

    Funny thing is I always wanted to be alpha but I was never able to do it and I now realize the reason why is my bipolar and autism. I used to think it was because of lack of knowledge and experience or character flaws. That's not the case. It's physically impossible for me to be what I wanna be...
  12. B

    Just wanted to say thanks...

    I have no friends. My family is pretty much fed up with me.
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    Just wanted to say thanks...

    It's not just one girl plus I really wanted her and if it weren't for my mental disorders I would have had her. My problems will destroy future potential relationships anyway...
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    Just wanted to say thanks...

    For all of the support you guys have given me. Don't know how much longer I will be alive...
  15. B

    I regret...

    I want her back
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    I regret...

    Cant do that sorry...
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    I regret...

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    I regret...

    and I can't deal with her thinking I'm weak...
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    I regret...

    I don't want another girl...
  20. B

    I regret...

    I can't deal with it being over. She tried so hard to make it work but I put this emotional wall up. I wasn't dealing with my issues and that's my problem, not hers. I'm a man and I'm supposed to be a protector and provider. And I wanna be alpha too but I'm aspergers. I feel like im an alpha...