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  1. G

    Using a cell phone jammer in night game

    Try it and see what happens
  2. G

    Night Game is Dead

    As long as I get my homework and assignments done by Thursday afternoon. Me and some of my social circle will be hitting the clubs for college night! I haven't been out in weeks so I'm excited! :woo: :rock: :rockon:
  3. G

    Part I - Your princess is in another castle! 40 Common cases reviewed!

    You sir, are a future SS hall-of-famer.
  4. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Pretty good. Three more to go!
  5. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Very good. Keep it up.
  6. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Alle Gory said everything I was going to say. Just go tommorrow and see what happens.
  7. G

    Now, WTF?

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  8. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I like how you controlled the convo judging by what you put here. There's not much here to critique, you're approach was light and fairly smooth. It helped that you already kinda knw this girl and therefore that gave you an advantage. let us know how the little date goes.
  9. G

    What to do with a girl in a relationship?

    Just keep up with it. If she doesn't want you, then she'll say no.
  10. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I'm also impressed with the results so far from this week's challenge. I hope to see a strong weekend from you guys!
  11. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    You're pretty spot on. Just randomly pick something. It's not like you're actually going to watch the movie anyway.
  12. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Responses in teal.
  13. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I honestly don't watch a lot of videos regarding this stuff. I think Robyn knows a few things that'll help you out.
  14. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Ok, I edited the challenge to 5 Hb 7+s.
  15. G

    "King Of Nice Guys Wants To Be Dethroned"

    This^ If you're getting laid and not ljbf'd by the HB of your choice, then what's the problem?
  16. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I'll PM you in a bit.
  17. G

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I understand bro, but I still have to give you a strike anyway. I expect a strong performance from you this week.