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  1. D

    Girl literally ran way

    This isn't about pof lol. This happened while I was out, cold approaching.
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    Girl literally ran way

    I approached a girl in a store with, "Hey, I saw you and think you're cute, so, I came to say hi". I was a little nervous when I said it so it didn't come out well. So, I repeated it, then she was like "oh", then ran out of the store :D. Edited: For some strange reason, that got me in a really...
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    Pof first message. What do you think?

    What do you mean "real women"? :D
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    Pof first message. What do you think?

    Its cool man. Thanks for the advises y'all.
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    Pof first message. What do you think?

    No response. Oh well, have to come up with a new one then.
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    Pof first message. What do you think?

    "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but give me your number, I'll call you maybe :D"
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    Example of a neg

    Alright cool. Thanks.
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    Example of a neg

    In class I saw a post on facebook of a neg hit and decided to use it as a joke in class. This chick was sitting behind me and turned and said; King: You are A B C D E F G H I J K King: Want to know what it means? Girl: Yes. King: You are, amazing, beautiful;, cute, diligent, elegant...
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    Lol True. But damn yours is pretty hardcore xD.
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    Yeah, Sasha is beast. His game is direct and funny.
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    This was her direct comment after I said that. "Oh wow (lol). My male friends should learn from you".
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    She didn't take my number lol.
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    A girl told me she has a boyfriend, and I said, "Well everyone is always looking for something better" ;) . Didn't get her, but she was very impressed :D
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    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    Look in the DJ Bible. Its a file you download.
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    Did I miss a pick-up opportunity?

    Add this to a thread in the tips section. The most obvious come on you missed.
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    im fvked

    You're finally at the bottom of the ocean. Now try thinking of anything worst than this, that can happen to you. You can't. So, all that's left for you is to move up. Have patient and work on your inner game first. It would be gradual, but I guarantee you it will pay off.
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    How to deal with...

    I have never ran in to a woman like this before. Might be how you come on to them?
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    Broscience....I'm confused brah's

    Just do 20 mins before and after every work out session, and 20 mins morning and evening on non work out days. You also need a good diet, or everything you do would be pointless.
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    DJ Bax Workout Journal

    For protein shake, get iso flex. It was recommended by a bodybuilder friend of mine.
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    King Addressing the Masses: Field Report

    So, i realize how troublesome it is to be making field report. SO instead, I'll just post a brief summary of what happened (I forget most of the conversation anyway). 9/29/2012 Saw a girl in school with an ipad, watching a video. I asked her what it was and she told me. Made fun of her because...