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  1. D

    Lay Report 15(Nightgame)

    An inspiring post for the site. Good job my man! Too bad you couldn't have fvcked them both like your friend was able to. There's always next time.
  2. D

    Are women even still open to meeting men the old-fashioned way anymore?

    How do you go about this without over doing it and ending up in simp territory?
  3. D

    You look so familiar

    I must be an ugly mother fvcker, because I NEVER get women opening me randomly...
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    (Men 30/35 +) whats stops you from cold approaching? An honest conversation

    This seems insightful enough to warrant it's own thread.
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    I don't believe for one second that she wasn't having sex with somebody during those six months. It''s OVER for CuckedFor6MonthsCels
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    (Men 30/35 +) whats stops you from cold approaching? An honest conversation

    This girl stated that the older guys are more crude and overtly sexual while younger guys are more shy.
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    (Men 30/35 +) whats stops you from cold approaching? An honest conversation

    I'm starting to think cold approaching isn't as niche as we'd like to believe on here. I asked a 22 year older co-worker that's around a 6.5hb. She said she constantly gets approached while out and about that it's "very annoying"... She just wants to be "left alone". This is in a small town also.
  8. D

    Ideal number of reps for weight lifting?

    One can have different requirements of rep range and load based on which muscle group they're targeting. Your legs may need to take a high load, low rep, while your arms may need high rep medium load to respond. All depends.
  9. D

    Penis Envy is vital to understanding women

    From former member TheFinalLine: "Unless you haven’t figured it out…women are incredibly jealous of our ease of coming up with amazing ideas and the determination to carry them through. They can’t be that so they have to steal it or attach to the security of it. "
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    Cold approach: radical impression

    You should definitely try it. Then report back in detail of how the interaction went.
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    Cold approach

    A half dozen or so.
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    Cold approach

    I recant my statement.
  13. D

    Cold approach

    This is bs advice. You admitted to never even trying this yourself. Why offer it as a solution? I've tried it, and it didn't work. It's obvious that if the woman is interested, you wouldn't know the other man exists.
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    Youtube short that sums up todays' dating market

    And you believe the SELF REPORTED women's stats. Unless I'm an a$$hole and don't realize they're attached to a lie detector.
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    Hottie Describes 'Chad' Dream Boyfriend

    Depends... We'll have to go back to back this list
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    Article: Is Everyone on Steroids?

    They may not be genetically gifted responders if all else is in place. I'm of the belief that those who are on stage are genetically gifted in either A. They respond exceptionally well to low doses of compounds or B. Their bodies tolerate high doses exceptionally well
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    She doesn’t know what she wants

    I don't agree with this. This is the type of shjt that breaks men who haven't learned to separate sexual bonding and "love" permanently.
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    Article: Is Everyone on Steroids?

    Start researching now, if you think there's a possibility you'll want to jump on in a year.