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  1. B

    What are the biggest red flags for you?

    Spot on! and women driving cars like this:
  2. B

    article: The Future of Infidelity Is Female

    Married women cheating/having affairs is nothing new - it's been going on since before even 'women's liberation' took hold back n the '60s. Over the years it's become more visible, and with 'fempowerment' I feel that women have adopted an attitude that it's their 'right' to have affairs, all in...
  3. B

    How did your Relationship End?

    This is one of the key reasons I am in the process of ending my 23 year marriage. While focusing on my career (more like slavery to 'big business') and also trying to be an attentive, providing husband, I unknowingly was living a truly beta existence. I should have realized it 'way back when'...