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  1. Paradiddle

    Punishing her swiftly

    Friends, most of us know The Sixteen Commandments of Poon. For those who don't, here's the link: My question is in the VI commandment, it is said that when she has displeased you, you've got to punish her swiftly. I want to know...
  2. Paradiddle

    A girl will get impressed only if she wants to get impressed.

    This is exactly what I was trying to say. No matter how hard you try, if a girl does not find you good looking or attractive in someway, no matter how hard you try, she will never ever be impressed. On the other hand, she will even laugh her ass off when a guy farts if she finds him attractive...
  3. Paradiddle

    A girl will get impressed only if she wants to get impressed.

    Any thoughts on this?
  4. Paradiddle

    Should I get off my training regimen and go for a "dad bod"?

    Having a dad bod does not mean 'looking good'. It means looking like **** just to get a girl. Isn't that outright clear?
  5. Paradiddle

    Should I get off my training regimen and go for a "dad bod"?

    No offence bro, but I still find this post funny af. Why would someone change his physique for a chick? Don't you think working out is for you and only you?
  6. Paradiddle

    Should I get off my training regimen and go for a "dad bod"?

    I don't think chicks prefer dad bod. What chicks say is always contradictory to what they believe in. That's what I think.
  7. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    Thanks, Mr. Jack. :)
  8. Paradiddle

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    The NC Rule works like fvck. Had a good sex with my ex some days ago with no strings attached. I feel blessed to have found this forum. God bless you all who helped me through.
  9. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    Hey thanks a lot. I will let you know how it goes. Shall I continue the PPIs too? Do you smoke? When you say lay off the beer, do you think drinking a couple of pegs of whiskey in the weekend should be avoided too? Do I need to have this early morning on empty stomach? Sorry, to many questions...
  10. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Googling doesn't seem to take me anywhere though. There are tons of articles and they seem to confuse me. Some try to sell their stuff and some are suggesting me the same old stuff, you know, exercise, lose weight and all. Somewhere I even read that oats...
  11. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    I am doing that currently. Thanks.
  12. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    You, my sir, deserve a medal for saying this. Hahaha. True ****.
  13. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    This is my recent pic. Like I said, I have not done any abs related workouts. I run, do jump ropes and lift weights. I am frustrated because I can not get beyond this physique. I want a solid 6/8 pack. :D Gastritis seems to take a while to heal. :(
  14. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    There are a lot of debates on whether squats and deadlifts help you have a ripped abdomen or not. However, I think, it totally depends on the type of body a person has. For some it might work and for some it doesn't. For me, it doesn't. Or like you said, I might not be having a strict diet and...
  15. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    That should work, thanks.
  16. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis so whenever I do planks, crunches and other abdominal exercises, my symptoms worsen. I know in order to have good abs, you need to have a good diet and 50% abs are made in the kitchen. However, my question is, are there any alternatives to crunches and...
  17. Paradiddle

    Abs without crunches?

    I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis so whenever I do planks, crunches and other abdominal exercises, my symptoms worsen. I know in order to have good abs, you need to have a good diet and 50% abs are made in the kitchen. However, my question is, are there any alternatives to crunches and...
  18. Paradiddle

    Ex texted

    If she keeps bugging me. Haha.
  19. Paradiddle

    Ex texted

    Wasn't on purpose but felt nice to turn her down. :D