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  1. AlphaNate

    She went for the jerk

    You played the nice guy. You didn't challenge her at all. Most women would have rejected you after that. Have you read the DJ bible?
  2. AlphaNate

    Are women helping men by putting them down?

    They're not consciously helping, no. They're being *******s, just like most people are. It's up to YOU to turn it into a positive. You're talking about a core aspect of being a DJ - taking rejection as a way to learn and nothing else.
  3. AlphaNate

    Has anyone pulled a girl that didn't initially give IOIS

    Yes, and we were together for three years. She challenged me, so I challenged her.
  4. AlphaNate

    Women over 40 want kids? Why?

    Women know what they want? When did this happen?
  5. AlphaNate

    Deleted her number - did I do right thing?

    Stop thinking about **** like this. Spin another plate and let this play itself out.
  6. AlphaNate

    What's wrong with this chick?

    Thanks guys and girls! I've pulled some good lessons from this one! You're all awesome!
  7. AlphaNate

    Texting game

    Text to get a date set up. That's it. Works fine for me.
  8. AlphaNate

    What to say when confronted with, "Are we gf and bf?"

    "Nathan, what are we?" Probably parents, 'cuz I ain't pull out!
  9. AlphaNate

    What's wrong with this chick?

    Hmm, I didn't look at it like that. My ego did get involved, and it usually doesn't. How did this chick push my buttons so easily?? Thanks man.
  10. AlphaNate

    Manosphere mystery #3 If you believe no chicks can be trusted

    Game is not to control chicks. Game is becoming a man that MOST women find desirable. That has nothing to do with trusting them.
  11. AlphaNate

    What's wrong with this chick?

    ***** was making me angry lol Fair enough. I just didn't like her approach. I tried getting her to agree to meet, but she just KEPT pushing these qualifying questions on me.
  12. AlphaNate

    The dudes that make "gamers" sick to their stomach with insecurity.

    This is why it's so ****ing stupid when SS will tell you looks don't matter. Stop worrying about the guy that grabs that attention from hotties and BE that guy. Hit the gym hard. Use this thread to get your wardrobe straight...
  13. AlphaNate

    Need help with my biggest obsession

    You lost me here, bro. I learned the hard way that a chick that will cheat with you, will cheat on you. Dump her.
  14. AlphaNate

    What's wrong with this chick?

    I'm curious if I did something wrong here. Not that she really gave me time to do anything. But I'm open-minded, and if she has some valid point that I'm not seeing, I'd like to be privy.
  15. AlphaNate


    The most successful people on the planet lie all the damn time.
  16. AlphaNate

    What's wrong with this chick?

    Seriously, I'd like to know what's wrong with this person. Met her on Tinder, gave her my number, and she starts texting me screening questions immediately. I told her we can meet for a drink and go from there. This is what followed: I don't smoke or want kids, but I wasn't telling her that...
  17. AlphaNate

    Dating black chicks

    Not yet. She's been chatty as hell since she cancelled and I didn't reply, so it has to still be on her mind. Going to get the date set up very soon. The pinning down comes later :D
  18. AlphaNate

    Your goals with women are...?

    Gotta **** 'em all!
  19. AlphaNate

    Poll: would you cheat on your ltr?

    Yup. I'm not wired for that monogamy ****. I will lie my ass off about it though.
  20. AlphaNate

    Mother and sister are too clingy and controlling

    If you'd done more than talk about moving out, you wouldn't have to ask this. Move out.