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  1. El Payaso

    Girls who only know how to take, but cant give back

    Because women are taught and learn from an early age that the world owes them whatever they want. That and men supplicate to them at the snap of their fingers. They have no incentive to be generous or loyal in return.
  2. El Payaso

    How to find chinks in girls armor?

    It depends on the place, time, situation, who the person is and if it's in a group or private setting. Doing it unprovoked just makes you look like a douche and is not really effective. I find it best to do it when she insults you first. Nothing beats the potency of a well timed unexpected...
  3. El Payaso

    Would you swipe right or left on your ex?

    Be honest. Assuming you saw her on Tinder or Bumble or whatever. Would your swipe left or right?
  4. El Payaso

    I'm the only short guy

    When they talk about your height, hit back at them about their weight or some other insecurity they have. "You're short" *giggles* "And you're fat so we kind of balance each other out".
  5. El Payaso

    Do you think some sorority gals are conspiring in some sick game of false rape allegations?

    Not just sororities but all women in general. Especially, young women. The truth is, from as far back as man can think, false rape accusations have always been a way for women to get men in trouble. Black men getting lynched upon accusation of rape by a white woman is just one. Back to the OP...
  6. El Payaso

    If the quality of women goes down as you get older, why do a lot of you say to get married WAY later

    Because as an older man, you can date and marry a younger women.
  7. El Payaso

    The Distribution of Women's Premarital Sex Partners, by Marriage Cohort

    What are the basis for these numbers?
  8. El Payaso

    The Modern Woman

    You're such an insecure little man. Clearly, you can't handle a strong, independent woman like her. I bet you never get any pu$$y in real life. Loser.
  9. El Payaso

    Is it now considered "creepy" to be a "nice guy"?

    Nice guy? More like a pandering white knight who stands ready to defend the ladies "honor". A nice guy does things without any expectations. A "nice" guy doesn't.
  10. El Payaso

    Are men who respect women considered "Nice Guys"?

    You have to train yourself to not care what people (men or women) think. Most women can tell when you're ignoring them for show or when it's really who you are. Stop caring what women think, stop paying them attention and just do you. I'm not saying it will suddenly bring a whole lot of...
  11. El Payaso

    Atheist / theist

    You have to be happy with who you are and what you believe in. You have to reach a mental state whereby you can see yourself getting to your grave without sacrificing your personal ideals for a woman. When you reach that state of mind, you won't worry about how to answer to a woman regarding...
  12. El Payaso

    "You are attractive but not my type"

    "I don't have the hots for you."
  13. El Payaso

    Does it become a bonus to be Asian/Indian if a player is "assimilated" into western culture?

    Since you are probably talking about white women, no. No matter how "assimilated" he is. White men and black men will still be on top. Followed by latinos and then Asians.
  14. El Payaso

    How not to accept 2nd class behavior

    If she regularly takes too long to answer texts then you start doing the same by occupying yourself with other things and other women.
  15. El Payaso

    I realized that as a whole I hate men more than I hate women, here's why.

    Yeah. In that age range, men outnumber women.
  16. El Payaso

    No reply after sti txt

    Who cares. You've told her. It's up to get what to do with the information now. Move on.
  17. El Payaso

    is ex stalking me?

    She is trying to suck you back in. Hey describing your relationship is just an attempt to reignite old memories in you. That is why it it's important you delete all emails and ignore. Don't even read them. Block her on all platforms. Get a restraining order if you have to.
  18. El Payaso

    She gives me her number

    Who knows? Could have been a wrong number (deliberately or accidentally), she could have had a boyfriend and came to her senses, or she wasn't really interested. Could be anything.