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  1. S

    Deal Breakers for potential relationships

    She sure sounds like a dirty and untrustworthy slut to me.
  2. S

    text evidence from my cheating wife

    I like this idea to expose and dynamite the adulterous relationship. Maybe call the wife's and the boyfriend's workplace and give a heads up to management. You can bet your ass if the shoe was on the other foot the women would be telling everyone want a cheater you are. Women hate being shamed...
  3. S

    America's new 'thing' is on display.....

    This is what I've seen, even going back before the latest gay agenda and over 20 years ago. I remember reading somewhere that gays were one of the most economically prosperous groups. You can always find a few cases of someone claiming discrimination because they're gay. More likely they were...
  4. S

    America's new 'thing' is on display.....

    You don't understand US culture and the role of the politics, government and media. It's all politics. Or maybe you do understand that but when any conservative/traditionalists hold power or influence, you label it "superstitious, bigoted Christians". Hardly anyone in the culture supported...
  5. S

    America's new 'thing' is on display.....

    Again you are conflating free speech with proper professional behavior. No one said anything of the kind. I said, people especially on their own time and on public property/venue or their own property, should be free to say what they believe without their education, employment and economic...