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  1. D

    What do girls think of guys that are loners?

    if ur only looking for girls to approach you then yes I think itd make you seem like a non social person, but if you are a loner but you still approach girls and show that you are confident, being a loner is actually an advantage
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    DJ newsletter links

    i was wondering if whatever host the links in the dj newsletter is on will ever be up again. I always read the first part of the newsletter and it gets me all interested in something then i click the link and its always dead
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    A way to beat social anxiety, and shyness, and the fear to approach, AFCs wanted!

    this is my main priority that im working on in my life right now because i know before i can get a girl im gonna have to become more social and unboring. I am usually pretty quiet no matter who im hanging out with, due to i am constantly trying to think of what to say next and my voice is dull...
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    Work out routines with only dumbells?

    im in same situation as u Gold Heart, dumbbells w adjustable weights, what routine did u come up with?
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    need advice plz i really cant afford a gym membership right now but i do have dumbbells, is this a legit routine for bulking/cutting up? i need to do both cuz im skinny but not toned at all
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    Just Some Tips I Noticed We Overlook

    i tried a money clip today and i dont like everyone seeing how much money i have, and also when u use a membership card or credit card u have to take all the cards out as opposedf to wallet u can just pick it out
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    Just Some Tips I Noticed We Overlook

    so far the reasons givin for using a money clip is wallet is fruity lookin and to do like they do in vegas, but seroiusly a wallet is better
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    finding passion

    heres another question, is it pretty impossible to get into a pro sport when u decide that u want to do it at the age of 20 ?
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    finding passion

    i was registering for my college courses the other day with my friend and was shocked when he opened up the catalog 5 minutes before we got there and picked out his major and courses, and pretty much what he will be doing with his career, in 5 minutes. I than realized that what he did is...
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    Confident Role Models

    no one has said this one yet but i think its a good one if u watch basketball - kobe bryant, everything he does on court and in interviews is with unbelievable confidence and u can just look at him and know he thinks he can do anything and most of the time he does
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    The Sleeping Thread

    Today I started studying sleeping in my psychology class and it got me thinking alot about sleep and how much time it takes up from our lives that could be used doing more productive things. We've always been told to get atleast 8 hours of sleep a night for optimum performance in our daily...
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    am i wasting my time?

    my ultimate goal is to build some muscle and tone up, my short term goal is to not be a scrawny ***** this summer. What're some good exercises I can do for back/shoulders with free weights or tricep bar?
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    am i wasting my time?

    im extremely busy workin 32 hours a week and going to school fulltime, so for the past month or so i've been doing: 40-50 crunches, 3 sets of curls, 3 sets w tricep bar, 30 pushups, run 30 minutes i do this about once every 3 days, is it possible to get any results with this basic program...
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    Staying on track

    ive been doing something similar to this since i was 15 and decided i wanted to be a millionaire when i grew up, i have one small pocket sized notebook, its cheaper then a diary i just headline each page in it with the dates. I found that if i use one sheet for one day, i actually do the stuff...
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    16 year old need help with parents

    i had the same problem and still do somewhat, im 19 yo with a midnight curfew and am constantly checked for funny behavior whenever i come home from anywhere.. the best advice i can give is learn how to lie to and deceive your parents. I lie to them atleast once a day about where im going and...
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    deep voices

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    deep voices

    i have a deep voice that just blends in with any noise thats going on and makes me impossible to hear. I am fine in one on one conversations but the more people the harder it is to conversate. .. in conversations i am usually interupted or asked to repeat myself. Anyway enough whining, i was...
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    less sleep + no masturbation helps confidence?

    whats up guys i just found this site about a week ago while doing a google search for ways to overcome my horrible conversation skills with women (the hotter the girl, the dumber / cornier the stuff i say), and ive been reading the bible religiously for a week now. I noticed in the FAQ it says...