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  1. U

    America first

    Danger, again, the value of NASA was demonstrated. If you are talking purely economical, new industries and wealth were created as a result of NASA and every $1 put into NASA generates $10 in the economy. In pure economic terms, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Now you are saying this...
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    America first

    Hey Danger. Wonder why CNN keeps talking about Trump and Russia collusion instead of doing honest journalism? That's the free-market at work. They're getting damn good ratings. CNN is another example of some of the shortcomings of the free-market.
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    America first

    Danger, the only reason I saw your post is because I refreshed this when I wasn't logged in. Danger, you asked for the benefits of the space program, and I gave them. Now you realize you were wrong for attacking NASA on that front. Now you are attacking NASA's costs. Now you are saying NASA...
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    America first

    You don't know what the definition of "socialist" is. Again, you are displaying your ignorance. And I've never once seen you justify ANY of your positions on this forum with actual facts, logic or reason. I've never seen a post of yours that included any depth, nuance, or logic. You are not a...
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    America first

    Danger, we learned nothing from traveling space, obviously. How could any moron think we actually learned or developed anything of value from space exploration? Anyway, I just had a phone call with one of the Rothschilds. He is one of the top ranking members of the NWO. He told me he is on to...
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    America first

    It wouldn't have happened anywhere near as soon as it would have if it weren't for the government funding it and taking all the risks in the beginning. Investors wouldn't have pumped so much money into an industry if profits would not be seen for over 100 years. Space travel is still not...
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    America first

    Bible_belt, these people have been brainwashed by conspiratard libertarians on the internet for 10+ years. You will not get through to them. These people don't care about facts or logic, just what feels emotionally satisfying to them as they found a simple enough ideology (the free market and...
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    America first

    No, I never agreed with that. I just didn't address it. Sometimes developing sectors and industries are unprofitable and need the government to fund them at first before they become profitable because investors wouldn't want to wait so long for a return. Space travel is an example of this. It...
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    New Girl A

    Hey Neil, I was recently in Texas a few weeks ago. I was in Austin and Houston. There are so many nice looking white girls in Texas, especially the Austin area. What are you doing with these tatted up girls? There's a mall in Austin I went to with a Cheesecake factory, packed with nice looking...
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    America first

    Like many of you guys, I believe global warming was a BS conspiracy. I believed in the NWO globalist agenda nonsense. I believed in Skull n bones. I believed in bilderberg. I believed in the crap Alex Jones. I believed in 9/11 being an inside job. I believed in the freemason conspiracy. I...
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    America first

    1) you aren't saying new here. Companies want to make profit, yes. No one debated this. That's why energy companies don't like America pulling out of the Paris Agreement. 2) Wrong. 3) Two different subjects
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    America first

    That's why companies are upset about America pulling out. America being part of it helps forces IP laws. This is the framework through the WTO: When you look through everything through a...
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    America first

    But danger, what does this have to do with giving away intellectual property? By the transfer of technology, it doesn't mean giving away designs, engineers, manufacturing plants, intellectual property, etc for the international commercial gain of foreign companies. This is to help put in place...
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    America first

    IP is not being given away...
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    America first

    Danger, have you heard of the World Trade Organization? It has 162 members. This is the part that deals with intellectual property in every industry:
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    America first

    1) We should want countries to purchase and buy American green technology. I don't understand why IP is a concern here. I don't follow. 2) By actually being the primary writer of the rules in international agreements regarding climate change and not China...
  17. U

    America first

    Danger. The Paris Agreement was about trying to lower temps, getting countries to lower emissions, and to help developing countries use cleaner forms of energy and to better position the United States in subsequent agreements within the framework for the benefit of our companies and workers in...
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    America first

    The thing is you haven't challenged my position as to why getting out of the Paris Agreement is a bad idea. "You need to have costs, cost curves, market share analysis, investment required and return expected year over year" What in the hell does the Paris Agreement have to do with that? The...
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    America first
