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  1. T

    What's life like in a major city

    I live in Nashville and I've always wanted to live in an Alpha city like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta, Houston, NYC, and DC. Any of y'all live in these cities? My work won't likely re-locate me to these cities so eventually I'll have to set paths with it.
  2. T

    Working full time on a career while building an attractive lifestyle, thoughts?

    spending my weekends serving drunk a$$holes doesn't seem worth $10500 to me lol.
  3. T

    Are Americans obsessed with status in comparison with other nations?

    They are like a gilded age USA in the modern world. America's success can be attributed to geography and being a former British colony. The whole liberty **** is stupid. Give a country like Chad the Constitution and see how much that helps them.
  4. T

    Are Americans obsessed with status in comparison with other nations?

    lol the rich chinese have literally altered the san francisco housing market here.
  5. T

    Are Americans obsessed with status in comparison with other nations?

    I feel like the USA gets a lot of blame because we are the most dominant country in the world. Anybody that says Asian countries aren't obsessed with status have clearly not left their mgtow mother's basement in bumfvck Indiana yet. Go to any city on the west coast or global alpha city and...
  6. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    ugh I disagree. It depends on the girl. If the girl only has looks or has a thing for men to be below her then I can see that. However, if the girl has something in her life other than looks and grew up in a stable home then she's not going to want this. The outliers are college women...
  7. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    usually the girls that date blacks are trash doe
  8. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    Cause you are hanging out in environments where **** girls lurk. Go to bars where the wasps and preppy white kids hangout.
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    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    A white woman that refuses to date a black guy might consider an Asian or Hispanic. WHY? Because these races have money and a history of stability. No sane minded white girl is going to risk her reputation and future with a person below her standing. BTW my gf knows I'm an exceptional black...
  10. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    Jesus fvcking Christ, I'm going to fvcking say this one more time. Just because a woman is hot doesn't mean she's not trashy or mentally deranged. I see black men with hot white women all the time. Hell, my gf is white and hot. Regardless, black men go with the trash of other races which...
  11. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    You are calling me a Coon because I'm one of the few to call out the Elephant in the room for the black race. Other races will never take black people seriously until we start having money. This means we will only be limited to white women like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian. These type of...
  12. T

    What would you do if your plate/gf freaked out if you looked at her phone

    This happened to a friend of mine and it was awkward af. I know I would have a private little talk afterwards lol.
  13. T

    This type of vehicle you drive increases attraction

    I drive a mustang and get compliments every day. All of them from dudes lol.
  14. T

    I don't see the appeal in plate spinning/one night stands after college

    I have a gf too, but idk what I want. My dream girl is a light skinned dark haired latina girl or Ariana Grande hot damn.
  15. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    Id rather be an Asian than a black man in the dating game any day. If you want a mudshark so much, dress like some punk ass and go get you a rice burner. All the insecure white bvtches will flock to you like a prairie fire.
  16. T

    I don't see the appeal in plate spinning/one night stands after college

    I come here for other advice and to get my argument anger out ha lol. I can't say this **** out in public haha.
  17. T

    I don't see the appeal in plate spinning/one night stands after college

    Well you can keep believing the bullshvt and making a crybaby topic about how you can't get a white girl every day. Shocker that I have probably screwed more white women than how many white girl topics you have made (:
  18. T

    Observations from bouncing at a club.

    Maybe you just dated black chicks that like white guys. They do exist, but they are a minority of black women. Most people prefer to date within their race otherwise generation z would be 75-99% biracial. In addition, white men are the most powerful race of men on the planet so it obviously...
  19. T

    I don't see the appeal in plate spinning/one night stands after college

    I just don't have the time or energy to waste my time with it. In addition, it's harder to meet girls my age now. In college this mentality made sense because you were surrounded with women your age, had a lot of free time, and little to no responsibility. Now, I have to find time between...