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  1. H

    The Elephant in the room

    I agree with you to a point but at the end of the day I don't think it's that simple. I think there is environmental conditioning, legal conditioning, a relentless assault on the male, at least in the west. Maybe the male gene in the west has been diluted to some degree but I honestly don't...
  2. H

    Rollo On Female Nature

    +1 on this, believe me, that's unfortunately an angle for many married men. The wife stops doing what she did to get him, has got him and now he's defenseless. He can either put his balls in her purse and live that way forever, get a divorce and get divorce raped or he can try to carve out some...
  3. H

    Should i break things off?

    Hey, at lest she fessed up before you got serious with her. You should consider this a blessing. Many women will deceive the living sh*t out of a guy until they get into a serious LTR with a woman. Now to be fair, I think for the most part you can only be deceived if you want to be deceived...
  4. H

    Anger & Self-Determinism

    Good thoughts man. I'll tell you, I've learned a lot of the last 5-7 years, albeit maybe a bit too late but I've started to take off the rose colored glasses and let me tell you, it's f*cked up out there. My current wife, a f*cking disaster. Truth is though, it's pretty much all my fault...
  5. H

    Anger & Self-Determinism

    Great post man, one of the best I've ready on here. That's why guys who don't whither at the site of females these days are all labeled with the stigma of toxic male. They're doing their best to totally eliminate this in all western men. Once that's gone completely or even mostly, the west is...
  6. H

    auehauheuaheuaheuahe my mother roasted my dad

    My motto anymore is chase excellence and lift heavy sh*t. Someone does better than me or lifts more than me, congrats and please be willing to tell me how you got there. I'll take notes and see what I can incorporate into my own life and patterns.
  7. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    The Koch brothers donating their money, which is capped, is way different than the de facto public square that companies like Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and others now occupy. The public square of old is simply categorically different than the digital public square, as your reach is...
  8. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    Again, you're splitting hairs. Why is it so tough for you to admit that these technocrats lean way to the left and support fully, what the left wants? Them having this monopoly on communication gives them the ability to donate services to the left in support of their causes and candidates. The...
  9. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    There is no such thing as "hate" speech, there is only speech you don't want to hear. Unless you are calling people to violence or yelling fire in a crowded theater, you can say pretty much whatever you want. Alex Jones actually got things right from time to time, perhaps even more so than CNN...
  10. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    Most of your post is simply splitting hairs. Thank you, it's on first amendment, whether it is speech or access matters not, it is still a first amendment issue. The heart of the matter is allowing people to be heard. If you agree it's a monopoly and should be broken up, then you have to...
  11. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    Doesn't hold weight, they reference the First Amendment in their decision and being able to use social media. And again, you neglected to mention that they claim in public to be a platform in public and in court they hide behind publishing laws. You can't have it both ways. I included references...
  12. H

    Is women's hypergamy making it so that chicks are all getting Chad's sp3rm donations?

    Hey, if you manning up means that you deceive her into thinking you're going to step up, pump and dump, who cares? They're trying to use you with their feminine wiles, why not use that to your advantage. Tap that a$$, drop a load in her eye and move on once she realizes you're not going to be...
  13. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    Sorry, wrong but don't take it from me: “It just strikes me as fundamentally problematic,” said Jane Kirtley, a professor of media ethics and law at the University of Minnesota. “On one hand, you’re trying to argue you’re this publisher making editorial judgments. But then they turn around and...
  14. H

    Making a woman happy?

    I do think you're right, men love more idealistically. Also, men can compartmentalize sex for the most part, way better than women. Guys can go bang the hoe down the street and still come home to their families. They can bang the hoe down the street and still be interested sexually and...
  15. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    +1 on this, great last couple of sentences. This sums up the entire issue, no more needs to be said. Now it remains to be seen what the logical people left in this society will do to ensure that this type of logic stays at the forefront of our decision making situations.
  16. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    This is where you are wrong. Even if you want to set aside the notion that they are the de facto digital space for free speech, they themselves claim that they are merely a platform in court, a humble purveyor of digital content, agnostic of a judgement on that content. They have used that...
  17. H

    Wordpress banned Chateau Heartiste

    You have a point to some degree but then there is the realistic implementation of your points and then there is the idealistic implementation. In the idealistic implementation, you say they don't have to give you a platform. However, there is then the realistic implementation, which says they...
  18. H

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I think the orbiters need to be kept to a bare minimum at worst. Look, you can say they have orbiters but I don't think hanging out with the opposite sex one-on-one is acceptable. Surely guys can find women that aren't go to do that much at a bare minimum. If not, what's the point. Hanging out...
  19. H

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    See that's where your mentality is off. Walk through open doors, don't try and beat on closed doors until one opens. When you allow the woman to "decide" to hang out with you, date you, have sex with you, you've already lost frame. You want women who want to be with you. That comes as a result...
  20. H

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I'd say it's highly (no pun intended) unlikely that she hung out, smoked weed with the guy and nothing happened. I mean, it's like her going to a party with a guy, drinking all night and then telling you nothing happened. Except they had their own private party it sounds like. Now think about...