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  1. P


    Complete emotional control = Frame It works with men as well as women. It will help you professionally or romantically. Your resting emotional state should be entirely calm and relaxed. People with often challenge your emotional state as a form of status establishing. You should always think...
  2. P

    A quick story with a question

    Two things. 1. She did it because she has an inferiority complex and making others feel bad makes her feel good. 2. I believe what she noticed about your walk wasn't confidence but aggression. Aggression makes you look vulnerable. Walking with confidence makes you look like you're relaxed but...
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    What would you do to build a social life from scratch?

    I haven't really got one to speak of. The only people I know just want to go out drinking.
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    Where do you go on first dates and why?

    How do these women usually respond to the bridge comment? Do they think youre serious? And what sort of demographic are they?
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    Where do you go on first dates and why?

    Do you take different women to different places? Do you have different locations for different outcomes?
  6. P

    Women in their mid thirties and up Who Have never been married

    I find they usually have bad choice in men. They're just bad at the mating game.
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    Activities to ''upgrade you'' - Improve yourself

    I think work should always be on this list. And if you don't care about your job, you should have a tangible plan to get one where you do care. Example, I work in a shop as a sales assistant, decent pay but I don't get commission. I'm not passionate about this job but am planning to progress...
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    Only speak to those that give you the respect you desire.

    So I've made an observation recently since I've been going to the pub a lot (I know terrible habit). It's quite a big place so I've been meeting a lot of new people. I'm only 19 and so obviously a lot of these guys are older than me and of course as you get with the stereotype of middle age men...
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    How do you react to the 'boyfriend' drop

    I would say if you had a true abundance mentality you wouldn't mind and if she was decent conversation you could stay and enjoy the moment for a bit then say you gotta get a drink or something and go speak to others. If she tries to come with or seems upset return to it later.
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    Keep a Journal for Everything, Not Just Game

    The purpose of this thread is to encourage others to keep a journal as I think it is a very useful tool. I would like others, if they already keep one, to report what they write about and how it helps them. I write about anything I find significant in my thoughts or actions. Be it that I think...
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    prison dynamics in the workplace

    Sounds like they're just acting on intuition, which is that you're an outsider and so they as a group will work against you socially. Just don't take ****, don't pretend to find their teasing jokes funny. If you get into an argument with them it doesn't matter, they can't do anything and they'll...
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    Valentine's Day protocol

    Why can't you lick her *****? Possible **** test
  13. P

    How many reps to do?

    I've read so many different answers and reasons to this question you wouldn't believe. How many reps/sets should you do and why? What are the different outcomes?
  14. P

    My sisters have no respect for anyone and are slobs

    If you constantly point out the decrepencies to your parents, but in a way that suggests you're just venting rather than trying to change their opinions, they will gradually come to feel the same way. Plant the seed.
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    A Break From Social Media

    I would recommend readinging. About a year and a half ago I found myself unemployed and filled at least 10 hours a day reading. I felt myself becoming very "mindful" (a term used by bhuddists)... Essentially unemotionally attached but in a constructive way. It helps your logical concentration...
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    "Too busy to go on a date now" as a sh!t test?

    What is the deal with only speaking to high IL aomen? I would assume the answer but would prefer it from. The horses mouth Sound like a bit of an ego buffer to me, personlally.
  17. P

    WTF, She Messaged Me Early In The Morning To Say?

    Ok look mate here's the deal. I'm 19, but I'm highly ambitious and professional. I like to be good at my job as I m spending minimum 40 hours a week there arns in working towards myself and the company which is like working towards a religion for me as I'm so preoffesional. Not bragging but its...
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    Masculine Personal Time

    Do you do cardio and weights on the same day?
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    Masculine Personal Time

    Had a lot of change in my life recently and feel like I'm starting afresh. Just started a new job which I like. Also started the gym, reading every day, meditating, going to start a martial art next week, pondering golf (which is pricey) and learning to build websites perhaps as a side...
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    The real way to keep a woman

    Because I learnt from my mistakes. And right now I want to be single. You don't need to spin plates to be more scarce, just concentrate on you.