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  1. Lozboss

    Not Keen On My Girlfriend Going To Clubs & Bars?

    Soul, we've known each other a while. Don't screw this relationship by over analyzing and over thinking things. You're you own worse enemy. Give people the ebenfit of the doubt and if they betray your trust you dump them. Simple as. Women want to feel free, you'll find that be restricting...
  2. Lozboss

    Spending New Years alone

    Agreed I can't be bothered with it. It's terribly coupley.
  3. Lozboss

    Unsure what to do? Breakup or down her to FB

    NUKE her from orbit. Full Ghost NC and block her on everything. No chat, no explanation. You're a backup and shes still online because shes exercising Hypergamy. She didn't ask you to be exclusive? Bin her. You NEVER ask a girl to be exclusive.
  4. Lozboss

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    These people only have power over you if YOU let them. Its tough, you can't just switch it off. But you can make a conscious decision to not let that b*tch ruin anymore of your life
  5. Lozboss

    Recently broke up with my GF, hows my game look?

    Keep your chill. You're doing ok so far. Don't play games or waste time on Low IL chicks. NEXT them ASAP (eg Blonde one)
  6. Lozboss

    Oneitis help!!

    NUKE HER FROM ORBIT. That means full block on everything. Time will kill the oneitis, I suggest continuing to focus on yourself- you aren't in a place to date at present. Do not get sucked into this. You did the right thing. Now stay strong. Suggest you post in the NC thread.
  7. Lozboss

    dating... a woman's game

    OP- I'll let you into a secret. If you're good - it becomes YOUR GAME. What we discuss and teach is how to get good. That starts with self improvement (lifting, clothing etc) and is then put into practice on dates. You undergo sh*t tests, you fail some, you learn from it. Till aftera while...
  8. Lozboss

    My Ideal Relationship

    Is this a troll thread?
  9. Lozboss

    A question about standards....

    I think sex gets your confidence up. YOU ALWAYS keep improving your SMV - but banging HB5s is fine while you are doing this. Why not enjoy it?
  10. Lozboss

    Dry Spell - Idk wtf is going on

    4 days later? Dude- it's a new age. You have a 48 hour before a girl forgets you and moves onto the next dude.
  11. Lozboss

    Chick at work considering asking out.

    OP is an idiot. Just ban his account. Fool doesn't listen to advice. for those of you who have a Brain: DO NOT DATE THOSE WHO YOU WORK WITH. Sh*tting where you eat.
  12. Lozboss

    how beta can guys be? F*ck!

    There is a common thing in the world of Kink called Financial Domination. That is what made me think that there is no saving some betas.