Having been raised in the Atlanta suburbs, I cannot believe how asexual everyone there seemingly was. Like sex or even talking about it was taboo, it was very much a sexual shaming culture and a lot of sex had to be done very much in private. I am amazed to find the amount of men I knew in high...
Can speak to the whole religious act having gone to high school in the Atlanta suburbs. The one thing you miss is that these dudes end up being very prototypical Nice Guys as a result of the Jesus act. A ton of these guys talk about wanting sex when you get to know them and about how they would...
It's not about actual value, the game is bizzaro world down there. You'll see chubby out of shape bubba and not so good looking men with exceptional women only because they happened to be the $hit in high school or were in the right frats in college. If you are not good with social circle game...
When Yankees moved down to cities like a Charleston, they moved for the southern culture and to retire there. Many of them had enough with the hustle and bustle of the north so they moved down south for greener pastures.
Atlanta is a city where a lot of businesses moved due to better tax breaks...
As for the men themselves, I've known a handful of cool Italian American guys but for the large party, I avoid them as well. Most of the guys are big on stirring the pot but I have noticed certain behaviors in them that makes me want to keep my distance. The main one is that Italian American men...
I've been following this thread and wanted to comment on the Italian American women part. I grew up around a lot of Italian Americans here on the East Coast myself and wanted to say that there is a reason for the toxic behavior you might be noticing. Let's just say that I've had more than a few...
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