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  1. theonlinedatingpua

    Texting Women

    @marmel75 fair enough. If you've found something that works for you keep doing it I guess. @Masculinity If you've already made out with her, and she's constantly texting you, then she doesn't view you as an AFC. But her attitude towards you can swing the other way, depending on what you do...
  2. theonlinedatingpua

    Texting Women

    by the way the starrred out word is a homonym for a rooster
  3. theonlinedatingpua

    Texting Women

    @marmel75 these tips work. I've been on so many online dates in my life, and following these steps I've only had one girl ever flake on me, and that was cause she suddenly realized that she's a foot taller than me. Talking on the phone makes you stand out from all the other guys on tinder...
  4. theonlinedatingpua

    Texting Women

    Yeah being involved with a girl whose a constant texter can be a pain. If you don't want to be constantly texting I'd recommend setting up, via text a time to actually talk on the phone. And mention in that conversation that you're not always that available for texting cause of your job, or...