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  1. E

    Really Puzzling Co-Worker...

    3 things from me 1st- don't get involved with women at work 2nd- what somebody say or thinks about you is none of your business 3rd- find the bible at the top of this page and read it twice
  2. E

    Slightly stained teeth

    Look up turmeric and coconut oil for teeth
  3. E

    The ridiculousness of dating

    I got a match on a dating app. She is overweight! What the **** dude? Good grief. The first two sentences made me gag!
  4. E

    How much should a man actually clean up

    The trick is to have the eyebrows look like they aren't done. Have them done professionally.
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    Don't apologize. Start taking 30 minute break or clocking in and out if longer than 30. Simple enough
  6. E

    Latest Chick

    Don't date coworkers!!!!!!
  7. E

    Need some guidance

    Have you found the Don Juan bible? Look for the "Book of Pook"!
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    Girl repsonse when I ask for her for coffee

    Don't forget to buy her a lot of gifts too!
  9. E

    tom leykis method ignoring women

    Yes. Sat right next to a female, no HB rating what so ever. Sat next to her for 2 hours. Next to no talking. She leaves bar. 10 minuites later she call bar and has bartender give me her number. Never called because of her HB rating being so low.
  10. E

    Male Gynecologists and your LTR

    He's a doctor for crying out loud. Some guys get upset over the dumbest sh!t.
  11. E

    FR: Getting the #

    This is a field report. What exactly did you text?
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    fresh out of military

    Guess you're going to give us a field report. You know what to do
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    Unwritten rules with friends

    Above is rule number one
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    How do you justify spending your hard-earned cash on a woman?

    Trust your gut feeling!
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    Honey and sugar is used for acne treatment topical application. I don't consume junk food.
  16. E

    When to utilize money (if you have it) in dating

    Never. My ex of 12 years (6 years married)still doesn't have a clue about what I earn or have saved. Hahaha in evil laughter. I still to this day tell her I'm broke.
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    How do you pick up older women at the gym?

    Tell her to sit on your back next time you do push-ups!
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    Looking for proven homemade remedies for blackheads? What are you using? Forehead and front of temples are my problem areas. I've tried several over the counter products, only thing that went away was money. I use a luffa on my face. Bad idea? I have sugar and raw honey, may give that a try...
  19. E

    App for tracking my location?

    I need an app for iPhone 6 that can track my location say every 5 minutes and shows information on a map. I have a female who keeps putting restraining orders on me. She says I drive past house all the time, sitting in front of her house with binoculars. I'm court ordered to avoid this person...