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  1. Z

    A beer and a story

    Totally Agree. When she was a plate 5 yrs ago she called me at 3pm asking to stop by my place around 11pm. I said I’d be there but was a little tired. Come 6pm a few friends wanted to go grab a couple beers so I went. I get home 10pm and mess around with the plate at 11pm as promised. 5 years...
  2. Z

    A beer and a story

    Indeed some of us guys have a lot to learn. I do appreciate the advice. She finally got all of her belongings yesterday afternoon and is gone. I took the advice of the locks being changed and notified the guard gate not to let her through. I used the term “hiding in my office” as I tried to...
  3. Z

    Could we be bred AFC

    This one is really for mature guys only as I would like the advice, but it takes a bit of back story. I think that single parenting has a lot to do with today’s culture and how kids are raised. leave here ZTIMES upbringing as an example. I’m 50 born in 1971. back then things were way...
  4. Z

    It's Crazy How Important a Social Circle Is

    In my experience OP social circles are generally developed around your interests or work environment. when you say the guys in those circles with the HB8’s are beta, it’s not necessarily true. They are the big fish in the little pond in that circle. Think high school quarterback head...
  5. Z

    A beer and a story

    My goal is to never interact with her again. Just delete. A few years back I was in a horrible place with a break up and found SS. I had no idea what to do and so many people here put me on the right path to recovery. I stopped checking in thinking I was fine. Spinning plates, working on me...
  6. Z

    A beer and a story

    This I recognize now. It takes a bit to figure it out how women try to rationalize or straight out lie to gain the upper hand in any situation. Some are better than others.
  7. Z

    A beer and a story

    This is always my first thought. In this case her cell is connected to my network. I should not have cared enough to look but I did. I can’t find anything text or call that is suspicious. she could have a burner phone but that doesn’t seem like something she would do. For right now her...
  8. Z

    Safe space

    1. Did the book tell you to tell her at the worst time possible? Probably not. 2. Is there a reason you want to move someone in to your home with these issues who openly admits she doesn’t love you? 3.Throw away any book that would tell you that part of helping yourself is giving the source of...
  9. Z

    A beer and a story

    Gotta say I did allow myself to act a little like the relationship was a little more important on my end which is where I noticed a shift in control and the start of disrespectful behavior. Once they start with the conversations of how things were in the beginning and how you’ve changed, it’s a...
  10. Z

    A beer and a story

    Been down this road before and it’s been awhile since I’ve been back to SS. Just cracked open a beer to share my handling of a situation thus far. been dating this girl for about years and actually let her stay at my place for the last year and a half. Figured it would be easier as my schedule...
  11. Z

    Does a DJ stay home to help mom and siblings?

    Do what is needed and be rewarded for it. Did your mom post on a forum when you were born to ask if she should take care of you?
  12. Z

    Is it virtually impossible for a chick to actually like you for you.

    But is it impossible for a chick to possibly like your looks, smile, sense of humor, kindness, cool personality, ambition, etc? You're right! These are dependent on you perceptions. Go with...... I'm awesome.... I am who I am....fvk kindness...... don't judge my personality.... and if you...
  13. Z

    The 3 "T's" in Male Physical Attraction

    Soo disappointed!! Triple digit income Two million $$ house And she has two to three kids! 3 Ts perfect
  14. Z

    Going to a bar alone to practice our game

    Great story and good for you. Little advice if I can. In life you get one number that can always connect you to more. Everything is not about the lay......... it's about the connections you want to lay. You're the prize. Imagine that girl you would never text introducing you to girls you...
  15. Z

    She's Back

    Haven't been back to SS in awhile. I see the new breeds don't help, just brag. My question is...... about what?
  16. Z

    6 Months NC – Should I Unblock My Ex?

    Here's the rule book and the level you may wish to pursue after a break up. 1: I'm fvckn awesome and I can replace that chick in a heart beat! 2: I let myself go and it's going to be harder to replace her. (Needy guy sneaking in). 3: since she has left I haven't gotten into the physical form...
  17. Z

    Has anyone had a girlfriend/wife die...?

    Doesn't really feel anyway sir. I guess it would matter on the time invested. I knew a girl for two weeks or I dated her for two years equates to the emotional investment. Death is an irrelevant topic since we are all born to do so.
  18. Z

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Maybe in this case expecting the same result in a pseudo ground hog day kind of way. Perhaps you're screening for the next LTR instead of the next ONS. Perhaps you're looking for the new...
  19. Z

    Monogamy or beyond? What would be your most ideal relationship set-up?

    Been a hot minute since I've made my way to SS. Sometimes it's best to leave the path of pre programmed doom, and experience your surroundings with no pre conceived notion. However, I will always come back to see how the people who helped me when needed are doing. LYD, I've missed some of...
  20. Z

    Purpose of Life?

    Aahhhh, we have the opinion of hope and faith. A little convoluted yet the argument the same. We're often fooled by the fact that hope is a beggar. We want soo much to believe that the rules of society or the upbringing we struggled through have some significance to life. Like we paid the price...