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  1. BetterCallSaul

    Does God exist?

    I never said in my post anywhere that was I typed up was evidence, so please don't put words in my mouth. At some point, it will simply be up to each individual person whether they actually believe this stuff or not.
  2. BetterCallSaul

    Does God exist?

    I think God exists, yes. There are many personal reasons why I believe this and frankly I have no desire to share those with anyone. But I will share a couple of them which I've come to find make sense for most people I talk to. First, we as people have the ability to do something completely...
  3. BetterCallSaul

    Friend zone fun

    OP, in real life personal interactions with other people, are you the same as the way you write? The way you write is highly annoying. I've never read anything that had so much crap in parenthesees () than your post. I'm guessing this is in fact your personality. With that said, your...
  4. BetterCallSaul

    Debate Night: Trump v.s. Hillary

    I started watching Nigel Farage back around 2009 or so when I heard he went off on Herman van was great and I followed him ever since. I hope the UKIP movement doesn't die out but my fear is that it will stop short of reasserting a lot of the rights citizens in your nation have lost...
  5. BetterCallSaul

    Debate Night: Trump v.s. Hillary

    I'm a little familiar with British politics and even your conservative party is still further left than our democrat party. The amount of domestic spying bull$hit you have in your country is pathetic. Here's a fun tip for everyone: Did you know the UK has their own NRA? Oh it's still around...
  6. BetterCallSaul

    **** test, or is this girl so selfish beyond reality

    Your follow-up posts are nothing but female bull$hit drama. She adds nothing of value at the core of what you hold sacred in your life and obviously does not respect you. There is zero reason to keep her around unless you too enjoy the drama. Allow me to share a short story about a couple I...
  7. BetterCallSaul

    **** test, or is this girl so selfish beyond reality

    This has obviously been an issue since before you just now posted this here on SS. Why the hell would you tolerate someone for 2 years who does this crap? You need to kick her butt to the curb yesterday and do a little introspection as to why you would put up with that for so long. To me, it...
  8. BetterCallSaul


    I'm betting $5 that there was some type of flirting text or other body language during their date that might have suggested she wanted OP to bang her hard.
  9. BetterCallSaul

    Weak fathers are common

    I'm confused by your post. You seem to indicate that weak fathers help foster the c0ck carousel mentality in young women. Ok fine, but in point #3 you mention that fathers who tell their daughters to not do this stuff, well those girls then have trouble having casual sex. Now I'm...
  10. BetterCallSaul

    Debate Night: Trump v.s. Hillary

    Yes I'm voting Trump but I wasn't terribly impressed with his performance tonight. Don't get me wrong many of us can say we know what it's like to be on that stage, live in front of about a hundred million viewers, and fighting for the highest political office in this country...
  11. BetterCallSaul

    Putin Bullies Obama Again in Syria

    The reason I care about Syria is because ISIS has taken over parts of that nation. Assad may not have been up for consideration to get on the front page of Time magazine, but he kept a pretty firm hand on matters internally before all this sh!t went south and he was tolerant of christian...
  12. BetterCallSaul

    Help me handle this attention *****. The best advice gets a cookie.

    Why aren't new users here (a lot of whom I'm noticing are still teens) not using the high school forum? Anyway, is she Russian as in has Russian genes but grew up here in the U.S.? Or actually Russian as in off the boat from Russia recently? If the latter, Russian women have been raised to...
  13. BetterCallSaul

    How do you give a woman that sex experience she'll keep coming back for?

    Maybe just find out what she likes? I know I know, a DJ is just supposed to know what to do for every given sex situation with a woman. Maybe pile driving her deep might be a good show of masculine dominance but is it necessarily going to win her so that she's addicted to you and wants that...
  14. BetterCallSaul

    Something I've been noticing about scantily dressed women

    You weren't the guy they were hoping to attract. They are all wanting Brad Pitt or George Clooney to stare at their butt cheeks hanging out and whisk them away to their villa in Tuscany.
  15. BetterCallSaul

    Putin Bullies Obama Again in Syria

    Remember this is the same CNN that twists everything Trump says about American values.
  16. BetterCallSaul

    Got banned from Roosh Forum

    There are some Roosh members that have good input, but I first started reading that forum maybe 2 years ago. In that time I've seen a marked change in the number of morons posting stupid crap, namely an increase. One of my favorites was how some were "advising" other members on proper...
  17. BetterCallSaul

    New girlfriend still communicates with married ex

    Agreed. "I kinda love you" translates too 'i've still got a firm grip on one or two c0cks you may or may not know about while i see if yours will support me for a while longer'. You already know she communicates with an ex on the regular which should be entirely off limits if she wants a...
  18. BetterCallSaul

    Putin Bullies Obama Again in Syria

    Putin is a good politician, but even in his capacity as a head of state, any good politician at that level also has good people working with him to accomplish their goals. So to me that underscores that the Russian state has a clear objective (at least militarily and politically) with regard to...
  19. BetterCallSaul


    Most likely she was working up to getting you to ride in on your white horse and save the day for her by helping out with the house situation. Why do you think she started the discussion about moving/renting, etc.? Good call.