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  1. S

    Do I have a chance or am I Cucked

    A better word would be “lead on” or “played”. Cucked is when a married woman sleeps with another man then her husband is that. I think this community is different to others, is that we don’t see things in a dichotomy. Or alpha/beta. Life is more complex than that. Its actually popular in incel...
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    Do I have a chance or am I Cucked

    Try approaching my man! Why aren’t you doing that?
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    Do I have a chance or am I Cucked

    Thats not redpill. Oh boy!
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    Should I change my number to get rid of obsessive ex-gf?

    Your mom is giving you fish advice. Why change your number?
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    Porn is for losers

    This is right. Whats the alternative ?
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    Choosing Signals or Getting Used for Nonsexual Attention

    Its making a simple situation harder. Just find a girl, get to know her. Get into a relationship, be happy especially at your 20's. Don't have kids. 3-4 month relationship then find a new girl.
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    Choosing Signals or Getting Used for Nonsexual Attention

    Yeah but Rollo hardly looks the part of being a womanizer. He might have the brains, but did he actually spin plates, and if he did, why isn't he spinning now?
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    Choosing Signals or Getting Used for Nonsexual Attention

    Wrong wrong mindset. What are you actively doing to take your life back? What is that so called 'yours' and why do you not think another guy could come and grab whats 'yours'?
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    I don’t know. I would assume I want to know her more.
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    But how do you work with a moot point? When its ambigious? is it a path to disaster ?
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    So its too much work, makes you needy and has no guarantees ?
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    I assume you had success in this area?
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    Duly noted. Updated.
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    Gaming low interest/not interested/shy

    So guys, I made this post to ask if any members had any success gaming chicks that showed low interest. Just curious to know if its possible.
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    Shy Plain Janes Turn Me On!

    If she's shy, wouldn't she resist you more/flake on you ? Make it harder for you ? Because she's shy and unsure ? What if she doesn't like to be hugged ? Not interested or shy ?
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    Shy Plain Janes Turn Me On!

    How do you assert a dominate frame if shes shy and unsure of you touching her/flirting with her?
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    nicksaiz65 Odyssey

    How can you connect and then later be beta bux?
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    Am I blind or just insecure? Girlfriend red flags

    In other words, have a relaxed view. Don’t be serious on yourself or on others; enjoy communicating.
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    Am I blind or just insecure? Girlfriend red flags

    Nah thats not how it works. Like I understand that, but we aren’t talking anything specific’s here. Thats like saying to be a pilot, you have to practice flying and turn it into a lifestyle. But thats top down approach, the specifics is you need instructors, and lots of knowledge to be a pilot.