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  1. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

    I really hope there's no BS recession around the corner, I just started making good money :( Well, I went and got a medical certification during the summer, so she was dating me knowing that I was going to be making decent money eventually. I fell for a job (they are a Dallas company fml lol)...
  2. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    New trend of countering drinks with coffee

    I guess my issue is that I'm not trying to lose anything and get to sex as soon as possible. Screwing a chick on the first date is uncommon, so a 30-minute coffee date works better for me vs someone that might need to do more other things like raise tension.
  3. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

    Well some good news for you is that it wasn't being unemployed that killed me financially, it was the dumb job I took out of desperation from being unemployed that ruined me. I actually didn't spend a lot of money being unemployed despite going on a vacation & having a girlfriend during it...
  4. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    New trend of countering drinks with coffee

    I don’t see what’s wrong with coffee dates unless you are trying to bang on the first date
  5. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    article: Fat and Lonely, America faces a grim future as marriage rates plummet.

    so how will you gain muscle on a calorie deficit especially if you are a gym noob?
  6. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

    Buddy, I'm glad you sealed a good win. I almost broke no fap, but I thought about this topic and my Delayed Ejaculation problem and stopped myself lol.
  7. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    5 Mating Strategies Women use to select and reject men

    I feel like women pick me for the Opportunist (White women looking for a black bat) and Sex Appeal game. I think my weakest is confidence and charisma because I don't put out a serious vibe/I'm realistic and my voice doesn't reflect what I look like.
  8. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    article: Fat and Lonely, America faces a grim future as marriage rates plummet.

    lifting heavy makes you a fattie. Inb4 someone rages and posts some roid pic.
  9. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Reasons why you did not get a second date

    if it’s that late, I’ll just have bobba tea or something. My current girl, we met through a coffee date lol. I don’t like these two plus hour adventure first dates because you never know if the girl is just wasting your time or not. We had 3 hours of rabbit sex and making love on our second...
  10. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Reasons why you did not get a second date

    These girl's aren't even worth fvcking tbh. They will just bring you unnecessary immature drama. Last, they will always be single, so don't act like you lost the one.
  11. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Reasons why you did not get a second date

    Getting them out on the first date is easy fvck. You might have a system where you filter out a lot of girls and the very few that make it through the funnel are a match vs when you get a lot of first dates, most of the girls are trash or going to reject you because of "no spark"
  12. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Long distance relationships (LDRs)

    Guarantee you one of them cheated
  13. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Average looking (gold digger) girl uses dating app to meet millionaires and travel!

    To an older guy, this girl is hot af. Take y’all’s young folks glasses off
  14. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Why I recommend the Lone Wolf Path over Social Circle Path

    1) High Maintenance- These groups require a lot of FREE time commitment to maintain. Your weekends and some weeknights will be tied to social activities. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Sunday Brunch/Football game hangout once in a while, but those are huge time commitments. If you want to...
  15. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    What it means when a girl says "I'm busy"

    I love busy girls because they leave me alone and don't get fussy over netflix and chill hangouts unlike bored girls that have Disney expectations
  16. Jake_Gyllenhaal69

    Women who state their biggest quality is loyalty

    imagine what else she lied about loo