I've noticed that guys who drive cars that have fuel filler caps on the right hand side of the vehicle have much tighter game than guys driving cars with left hand side caps. Anyone else notice this?
How rich are you? If you're an old dude living in the Went and want a young AND attractive gold digger, you better not be some white collar office type with a low six-figure salary.
And yet, you are seeking advice from guys on this forum. Isn’t that kind of like Einstein asking a high school teacher for help with solving a math equation? :lol:
You have to keep those numbers in context. They are not measuring the number of divorces per 1,000 marriages. Instead, they are measuring the number of divorces per 1,000 units of population (i.e. individuals) regardless of marital status. In other words, that 1,000 could be largely made up of...
I don't know if "capitalistic" is the right word for what you re describing. If women were capitalistic, they would be making smart investments and growing their capital. I rarely see that. Perhaps you mean "opportunistic" or "materialistic".
Women have three types of male "friends":
1. Guys they secretly have a crush on. This is the only kind of male friend that a woman would genuinely be "nice" to.
2. Orbiters (a.k.a. unpaid servants). A woman would only keep an orbiter around if she could extract some form of value from him.
Yeah right. Do you seriously expect us to believe that you want to ditch her for some selfless, altruistic reason? Give me a break. You want to get rid of her because you no longer want her but you feel guilty about it. I say grow a pair and handle it like a man. Talk to her, tell her you want...
What they actually mean is "men who want what we want them to want". In other words, men who want single moms, post-wall women and other assorted leftovers.
Nice watch, worn by Albert Einstein among others. Great choice if you want to impress an 87-year-old man. As for women, 99% of them would have no idea what Patek Phillipe is and would probably assume it's the name of some new rapper.
There is already a load of poor desperate women over there. Unfortunately for the "geomaxxers", there is also a load of poor, desperate men over there.
It would only work like that if women remained horny and straight. But women are turning gay and asexual in even greater numbers than men. No one profits from societal decay except for a very small number of people who have managed to monetize it.
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