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  1. T

    Am i In the friend Zone? how do i get out?!

    wow thanks for all your replies. i guess i dug myself a pretty deep hole here. just wondering at this point would telling her that i'm only interested in her romatically have any ahh detrimental effects? see... she's taking a class w/me next semester.. i dont' know how that will work out...
  2. T

    Am i In the friend Zone? how do i get out?!

    ahhh oook... how bout something a little more constructive?
  3. T

    Am i In the friend Zone? how do i get out?!

    interesting... so her telling me that she never lends thsee things to other people and that she never speaks french to other guys is just a way of keeping me so that i'll come whenever she calls? wow ... i also read pooks 15 rules... i gotta break this cycle but say i was interested... is...
  4. T

    Am i In the friend Zone? how do i get out?!

    i just found this website, it's amazing! I'll try not to make this post too long, we all have lives and dont' want to read forever, so i'll try a quick summary. -Haven't dated in two years- nice guy syndrom going on -Met girl who broke up w/bf 4 months ago (dated for 2 years) he keeps...