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  1. V

    Might try acting aloof for a change....

    If she was practically all over you, she will do it again. Get some alone time with her and slam it.
  2. V

    she has a BOYFRIEND, but i want her!

    I.A.F.Y.B. is very correct. I speak with a stronger sense of laziness however. I can assure you, the woman you speak of is not worth the risks, headache, and effort required to win her over.
  3. V

    she has a BOYFRIEND, but i want her!

    You are in the hole because she mentioned her b/f and you continued talking instead of walking away. You didn't let her know you were interested. ON TOP OF THAT, you bought her a gift which she took from a friend, whether that's what you intended or not. You cannot prevent this hole from getting...
  4. V

    FR: doing double takes

    You know what you have done. An attractive woman KNOWS she is attractive. She expects you to think so. She just wanted to get you to actually say it. Check mate good sir. Better luck next time, eh?
  5. V

    bleedsoe Don Juan Boot Camp

    I wasn't familiar with the DJBC, I just came to the forums to offer a healthy ear and maybe a few tips from personal experience. Congratulations though. It looks like you are on the right path to becoming a real man ;)
  6. V

    Is a pat on the back a bad sign?

    I don't necessarily think it's a bad sign at all. She is probably interested in you, and wanted you to know she was passing by. A pat on the back doesn't scream friends. She is older though(Right on brother...), so watch how you tread. Most older women tend to have a thought already in their...
  7. V

    Lied About Past Relationships

    I don't think you will be screwed, and once I told a woman how many women I had slept with, she never bothered to ask again. Just remember this ONE lie you have told. I don't know how long you have been dating, but if you told her you were just nervous and didn't want to scare her away, she...
  8. V

    To break up or not to?

    Sounds to me like you are well on your way to solving your problems mate. Keep us posted.
  9. V

    AFCness is a deeply ingrained disease that can re-surface at any moment

    I do indeed follow what you preach. You put things in well terms. I am not a natural born game player at heart. I seek the women who don't play games. Although, I do like to play a game of chess every now and then. Being a Leo, I have a natural born ABUNDANCE in confidence, and have forced...
  10. V

    To break up or not to?

    I still vote on the psycho clingy g/f thread. Pwease make my dreams come true!
  11. V

    Lied About Past Relationships

    Nah, I didn't feel the need to tell my first. Granted my first was when I was 15, I just wanted to get my jollies at that age. You have a right to feel deceitful, you lied. However, you were uncomfortable at the time, the number of women you have slept with is insignificant in the situation you...
  12. V

    extremely stupid

    Lol...she views it as her business with HER friends...Good luck winning that battle.
  13. V

    To break up or not to?

    You sir are in QUITE the pickle. You have two ways to look at things. The first way. By saying she is willing to change, she feels desperate and lost without you. She feels like she needs you, and probably genuinely loves you. The second, she is too clingy for you and is probably psycho. I...
  14. V

    Ever feel like...

    I must agree WC2, that is EXACTLY the opinion I was seeking. I believe I found a woman seeking excitement and not intending to have me drool over her. Frankly, I don't think she cares if I drool or not ;) Thanks for the input.
  15. V

    extremely stupid

    Alright. This may work. Confront your ex in person, and tell her you are so sorry for the text the other day, you mean to send it to a male friend of yours that's name is right under hers. That should get you out of your bind...HOWEVER I try not to target my ex's friends. As much as you...
  16. V

    Ever feel like...

    A woman doesn't play the game or even know what the game is? She is just herself looking for a man who is himself? Not trying to play games or front anything? I have met many a woman who plays the game, but few and far between who don't play. Opinions please.
  17. V

    AFCness is a deeply ingrained disease that can re-surface at any moment

    I too sir have recently resurfaced some AFC traits I thought I had long hidden. While KontrollerX is VERY correct in the appropriate action, I personally plan to stick it out and see if I can maybe out flank her when she makes a mistake.
  18. V

    how often do you call a gf?

    I generally tend to call every 3 days or so. If they complain a little, good. That just means they want you. If they complain a lot, call a little more. Not too much or you are too easy to attain. When the relationship escalates to something exclusive, move to calling her a little more...
  19. V

    Might try acting aloof for a change....

    From the sounds of it, you are thinking about sex without having shown her you were remotely interested in her vagina. You chilled one afternoon. I chill with my sister at starbucks...See what I did there? Obviously I don't want my sister, else this would be a fvcked up world... You want to...