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  1. LiquidOscillation

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    I can relate. Beautiful women are just like any other women, and sometimes even more insecure than the average woman. They rely much too heavily on their looks, and get used to guys putting them on a pedestal. Beautiful but genuinely sweet and smart women... lawd of mercy
  2. LiquidOscillation

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it. I knew I wasn't going crazy... I'm not even complaining about my situation, I'm glad to be who I am. Thank you again, I guess I really just wanted confirmation for my own sanity. I've tried to politely or subtley would be the better word...
  3. LiquidOscillation

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    If you read what I put, I don't have an issue approaching or meeting women. I have an issue finding women interested in genuine relationships. The old saying goes, no one would ever do or say something that isn't a direct reflection of themselves. Have a good one, brother. ;)
  4. LiquidOscillation

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    More often then not the women that have the confidence to do this with me are either under age (Teenage girls Eye-**** me like I'm a piece of meat) or married and spoken for women. I've approached these women only to find out, albeit very subtly that they are in relationships. Single women seem...
  5. LiquidOscillation

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    Sup dudes TL;DR at bottom (or dudettes?) I don't want to assume gender :rofl: I appreciate any constructive advice and criticism, hope y'all like to read :rofl: I'm a long time lurker, I joined back in 2017 but I've been lurking since before 2017. This whole time I've been trying to become a...
  6. LiquidOscillation

    Hey peeps, confused by her?

    Thanks for the response guys, I realized I was being vague after I had asked her but I actually did have a plan, I wanted to take her on a walk.. then whatever happened from there happens. Perhaps I should have worded it "Want to go on a walk with me this saturday evening?" instead of "wanna do...
  7. LiquidOscillation

    Hey peeps, confused by her?

    Hey peeps, you can read the bold to skip my introduction and back story I've been a long time lurker of sosuave for some years now. A little about me: I'm interested in understanding myself better, "self help" if you will. For awhile now I've made women my least in priorities and thus, I've...