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  1. Z

    I'm Sorry... NOT.. never WAHAHahahaa

    Just a short intro for this.. I saw this on friendster posted by one of my friends.. I'm sorry that i bought you roses to tell you that i like you I'm sorry That I was raised with respect not to sleep with you when you were drunk I'm sorry That my body's not ripped enough to...
  2. Z

    How to throw of ugly girls?

    I did none of that.
  3. Z

    How to throw of ugly girls?

    Got a ugly girl in my class, happens that she is in the same project group, group of 5 so its not that bad. The worst thing is that she laughs at everything I say and she really freaks me out. Indeed its not DJ like to be freaked out by a girl.. hahaa :( But I am so what should I do...
  4. Z

    Age tip

    I guess its only rude to ask a woman's age if shes really old and embarrassed about it. I don't think women below 25 are ashamed of their age.
  5. Z


    Being too sexy is a sin. Hows that?
  6. Z

    The World Wants to Make You an AFC...Don't Let Them

    I like this post, doesn't it feel different after joining this forum and haveing a entirely different view on how things work and the world around you? And im not talking about women here.
  7. Z

    Problems cutting up

    Cool, Thanks
  8. Z

    Problems cutting up

    3 cups of green tea, canned or the tea bag version?
  9. Z

    High School DJ Contact List

    Msn :
  10. Z

    My worst afc experience still haunts me...

    Its experiences like this that bring us to this forum... Life keeps getting better the moment we understand the way of the DJ... Even without women. ;)
  11. Z

    EVERYTHING seems to depend on my mood

    Yup its really important... This state/mood thing works for me too.. When im happy and somehow high(not on drugs) I tend to be able to talk to women stuff.. basically have a good time. When im not in a good mood, I find it close to impossible to start a convo, and even if one is started...
  12. Z


    Hey! Finally a Singaporean DJ! Lets go get some chicks!
  13. Z

    Never been kissed

    Same situation here, cept im 18 and things are starting to fall in place... Joined this forum not long ago, recently approached a few ladies, got a few digits. However I always screw up calling, txting might be better for me now, but one things for sure. Each time i SCREW UP, I get better :D
  14. Z

    Need some more guidance... fast

    Lucky @#$@%#$^ Your friend can wait, you don't get that kinda chances everyday.
  15. Z

    she has a bf, i'm shy - hopeless?

    Lets see... You never actually had a conversation with her, and you like, love her purely based on her looks? Well if you love girls in this manner then good for you, even if she really IS the most prefect girl in your school, there will be someone outside school much better then her...
  16. Z

    I just thought of something!

    This **** works! Once during a weird electronics lab, we were all crowding around. I yawned and 2 other girls followed almost instantly.
  17. Z

    About self-improvement...

    After your get good looks, muscles and money? Hobbies, character, confidence, anyways I bet you have all these. So I guess its more money, more good looks, more muscles. :D You can never have too much of these!
  18. Z

    Cologne at school?

    I read a couple of threads on cologne here and it seems that Aqua di Gio and Drakka (Not sure if I got the names right) are quite popular. Well in my school I have yet to come across a guy (student) who uses cologne, so I guess I don't have to worry about being unique in scent. I was...
  19. Z

    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    FRUAD! If they have the technology to create or enable time-travel why do they still need our "existing" technologies when theirs is obviously superior. Ever wonder what might happen if he actually is real, and we find the 6 year old JT and kill him...:D My $.02