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  1. D

    27-year-old needs advice

    Don't tell them your a virgin Stav, they cant tell. By the time they can even tell youre inexperienced the deed will be over, and you wont be a virgin any more! Also, dont put yourself down as being "sexually aneamic". As someone once said "if a man thinks he can or cant, he is probably...
  2. D

    The difference between older and younger men...a female perspective

    Who cares if Wyld prefers younger men to older men, its her perogative to choose who she wants and everyone has their preferences. Are you guys pi**ed cos she wouldnt go out with you cos shes out of your age range? Who cares, is she that hot?
  3. D

    27-year-old needs advice

    Robbie is right in his advice. Try not to worry about women too much at first, work on your self-esteem (counselling, self-help books etc), find some hobbies, make some friends and these will help you with your confidence and provide some opportunities to meet women. Forget about the woman you...
  4. D

    Taking up a hobby

    Try taking up a sport, of if your not really into sports start going to the gym or swimming - theres always plenty of fit women at the gym or baths . Other ideas are hit the bars & clubs, do a night school class, volunteer groups. None of these are guaranteed to get you a woman but you might...
  5. D

    25 and living at home

    25 isnt that old to be living at home. Some women will knock you back cos you are 25 and still living at home but theyre not worth bothering about. The ones that like you will overlook this, or wont even be bothered anyway
  6. D

    27 and nothing

    Chancer, Ive been following this post for a while and I just want to say im pleased youre finally having some success. Keep up the good work mate :up: