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  1. H

    Is this an effective shoulder routine?

    I'm quite ignorant when it comes to weight training techniques and terminology. But I do exercise quite a bit with free weights on my own, as well as doing push-ups and sit-ups and running. I probably do everything wrong, but I think I look decent. My shoulders are especially good. What...
  2. H

    Mothers living vicariously through daughters?

    Working in a restaurant has certainly helped me get better at interacting with all kinds of people, including attractive girls. I used to swear I'd never work with food. But it's not bad if you work in a nicer type of establishment. I recommend everyone of the appropriate age to try...
  3. H

    Mothers living vicariously through daughters?

    Hi, I'm new. I work in a restaurant at a shopping mall that is always full of super-hot girls. I'm sure you've all noticed that young girls are so sexualized/developed these days that it's sometimes hard to distinguish the difference between a 13yr-old and an 18yr old. Girls are...