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  1. S

    block ex on fb, or post pic of me with other girl?

    I realize my post is confusing on many levels, sorry. I want to get back together with my ex, I'm not afraid to admit that right now I'm very confused. It would be nice to have a relationship again with her but at the same time I feel like getting her back would be an amazing challenge that...
  2. S

    I notice this girl is doing NIC on me

    I have been talking to a chick recently, we talk each night but I have noticed she is NIC until I mesaage her, then we talk a few hours, she text like crazy during this time ignoring NIC until the conversation is over. I skip a day every so often to see if she will reply but get nothing. We...
  3. S

    I can be the worst texter. Always fvcking up via text.

    Wait 10 minutes to reply unless in the moment conversation. A trick I use to not send stupid shet is the 'would my friends laugh at me if they saw this?' Test before sending a message haha, if your friends would laugh at you about a message, rewrite it :P
  4. S

    How can I friendzone a girl, respectfully?

    Specifically call her friend.. "Thanks friend :)" or similar.
  5. S

    do I weigh enough to date?

    Sorry, you do not :(
  6. S

    block ex on fb, or post pic of me with other girl?

    I was gonna post it to make her suffer too haha.. Would there be any objections to posting it first, waiting a few days then blocking her? Or should I keep the issues separate? Block her then add pics for my social value? Thanks much for the reply BTW :)
  7. S

    block ex on fb, or post pic of me with other girl?

    My ex NC me w/o explaining why, after arguing. I tried to get her back the wrong way, messaging her a few times but no reply.. After 3 days I messaged her 'breaking up' due to her ignoring me. She blocked me, a week later unblocked me, 4 days later I tried to reengage and failed but she Broke...
  8. S

    Old plate returns - Short Guide

    Thanks for sharing :)
  9. S

    How long before approaching a recently broken up girl-

    I would start of with an apology. "Sorry I was a bit busy the other day,..." Really either way should work, don't over apologize and don't chase of unresponsive.. Their loss. This is just my opinion.