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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    Will you buy American made shoes, even if they cost more? Buy a pair of Alden shoes. I have a few pairs. I also have some Allen Edmonds.
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    That's NOTHING compared to what China is investing in green technology abroad: Look how much they are...
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    "China Cancels 103 Coal Plants" When you get your news from Alex Jones, you really don't have a clue as to what is really going on.
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    Look, it's obvious I won't change your mind, but it is simply not true. By not taking the lead on green energy, it will cause the US to lose out on jobs in the long run. China is now the largest backer of green energy because they know what's really going on. They're probably all laughing at...
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    Neil, I know you make good money. I recommend you buy Alden shoes. They are made here in the US. I think for a bigger guy like you, you would really like the Indys (Harrison Ford wore them in Indiana Jones):
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    That's just an excuse. If he really cared about American jobs that much, he'd put his money where his mouth is. If I was Trump, I'd have my products made here. In fact, even though I am not white, I love the United States and was born here, and most of my clothing is made in the USA. Sometimes...
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    If only Trump actually believed in America first. He still makes most of his sh1t overseas. His daughter's clothing comes from China. If he was truly, and I mean truly, principled, he would have all his products made here.
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    Wonder (Mexican) Woman

    Neil, do you only find white women attractive? I googled the actress in that new wonder woman, not bad.
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    America first

    Oh my god...something needs to be done about Alex Jones. He is fvcking up the country with his paranoid bullsh1t. I used to watch him from time to time for entertainment on youtube when I was bored, but people are actually taking him seriously. Fvcking Roger Stone goes on his show all the time...
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    America first

    Pulling out of the Paris Agreement is a mistake. It's not a perfect agreement, but it was a good start. It wasn't a binding agreement and could have been worked into a better one over time. 1) Global warming is real. The science is clear on this. CO2 emissions are contributing to it. Something...
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    Woman addicted to sex for free travel...

    If I was an older retired dude that wasn't married, I would do this in a heartbeat. What's wrong with enjoying retirement traveling around the globe with young women coming with me to enjoy and to fvck. What is the big deal?
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    Nothing was overanalyzed there, moron. I was explaining something to Neil about an interaction we had earlier.
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    Actually he has had the cops called on him 1-2 or times. Can't remember. There was a crazy bipolar girl who called the cops on him. Forgot the story. Nope. That makes no sense at all when addressing me. Illogical. It's not illogical when just addressing me, too. Most guys who go after a bunch...
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    That's a good question with my cousin. I don't know. Mike Tyson had a hot wife and was fvcking ugly hotel maids. My theory on it is they are just extremely horny and get excited by anything. My cousin told me a girl could look like complete sh1t but if her ass is good enough, he's happy. I'll...
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    Neil, why do you always talk sh1t and jump to conclusions? Why is that always your first instinct? What is the point? Notice I said "guys that get laid a lot." Let me elaborate. I already provided proof that it was indeed me with her. But okay, I borrowed the dude's shirt and rolex last night...
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    you really don't unless you want to let off steam. But maybe you're here for entertainment of endless over analytical sh1t, kind of like me
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    Guys that I know that get laid a lot

    They don't overanalyze sh1t like people here. They go and spit their game and catch what they catch. They don't care if they are rejected as much as the average guy here They don't care if a girl ignores them. They'll wait a few days and try again. And if they get ignored a few more times, they...
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    Was the Last Girl who Dumped you BPD?

    Okay Neil, so people think she is more attractive than your current GF from a looks standpoint, it seems. Here's the thing, if you crossed paths with the girl I'm hanging out with, I think you would be able to get her. She just likes a guy who isn't intimidated by her and can lead the way. So I...