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  1. D

    Are drugs (alcohol, caffeine, smoking...) a necessary thing to cope with society reality?

    Get a therapist man. A male therapist who's preferably not too old, maybe in his 50's at most. Most of the female ones are feminists anyway, plus It's much easier to trust and be yourself with another man who's paid to help you and understands your male problems. If he seems like a pu**y then...
  2. D

    His money = our money. Her money = her money.

    Wife “loans” him money to pay half the bills while he’s temporarily not earning, then later refuses to use her $200k windfall to pay her half of the bills. Says she shouldn’t have to pay her half anymore. Proceeds to blow money on new cars and other things. You can’t make this sh*t up...
  3. D

    Do any of you wish you could have a certain ex back?

    Nope, not one. They all either got fat, got a bunch of giant ugly tattoos, turned into a weirdo or a leftist/feminist nutjob. Good riddens. Also, every single one of the girls I've ever had ONEITIS for pretty much the same thing happened. I wouldn't touch any of them now. I sleep well in this...
  4. D

    Anyone in Cologne / west Germany?

    Haha, my first thought was "West Germany! Is this guy stuck in 1987?"
  5. D


    I like starting with 'accidental' brushes. Like shoulder to shoulder (perfect starting point) or something like just fingertips or hands brushing while one of you is handing something to the other. She hands you the salt, your fingers touch when you take it, that type of thing. If you look for...
  6. D

    Any 5ft8 Guys Doing Well With Woman?

    My cousin is 5'6", 120lbs skinny as a rail, no muscles whatsoever. BIG loud c*cky arrogant personality and he honestly does not give a f*ck what females think, say or do. Probably one of the loudest and often obnoxious people I know. He does just fine with the ladies, married a solid 8.5 who was...
  7. D

    Why do women tell us men to be 'humble'?

    Anytime a woman tells you what she "wants" in a man, she's telling you what she wants AFTER she's magically crazy in love with you. They tell you what they "think" about attraction, which has NOTHING to do with what makes them "feel" attraction.
  8. D

    Girl Wants To Have Sex, But Told Her Have Covid Test First

    Your views on COVID don’t match up with the reality, the actual probabilities involved. They’re very very low. Banging random hoes is and has always been risky and more dangerous than COVID. On top of that you’ve already freaking had it, you’re at bare minimum more resistant to it now if not...
  9. D

    Girl wants to get to know me better before meeting

    I almost spit out my coffee over here :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Seriously though OP, do a thread title search here for "phone game". There are very old threads on this. I haven't read them all but there should be some good stuff in there. The general consensus is to keep it short like 5 mins and go...
  10. D

    Girl wants to get to know me better before meeting

    Easy. Talk on the phone, and put your slightly sexy voice on. It works. People have been doing it for 100 years. Her friends will be confused lol
  11. D

    Men's Fashion Resources

    Go do all your research and watch all types of videos like everyone else has said. Then.. Get out a piece of actual paper and MAKE A LIST of things that you need. Don't just start buying random sh*t. You have to wear these things together and they have to work together. It'll also help you get...
  12. D

    How hot girls were portrayed in the 00s

    I love the waif look But I’m a flat stomach, thigh gap and tight belly button type of guy:lol:
  13. D


    Mystery was ahead of his time with that mask :rofl::rofl::rofl: The irony. As far as The Game goes, it was a fun read for me. Those guys were a bunch of lunatics it sounds like.
  14. D

    Men, Divorce Her!

    Or someone "On her level" :rolleyes:, which is magically higher now that he paid for her unnecessary degree. Thank god for Kevin Samuels, he exposes so much BS and he does have a lot of women watching, which is good for us all. He's a big 'ol pimp.
  15. D

    Men, Divorce Her!

    Similar here. Not quite so bad, but they did divorce when I was 25. Mom would have probably remarried if she were younger and dad would have had time to rebuild his finances if they had done it sooner.
  16. D

    Men, Divorce Her!

    I have never been married, but I'm at that age (39) where my social circle has been flooded with divorces for more than five years now. All three of my closest friends have gone through nasty divorces. All three of these men were close to suicidal, and I’ve spent hundreds of hours on the phone...
  17. D

    Cialis dosage

    This 100mg s**t has got to stop. 100mg of Cialis (Tadalafil) is NOT a thing. That is Viagra (Sildenafil). Two completely different drugs. 20mg is a full-strength dose of Cialis. In some cases a doctor may give you more, but that is an extreme case. Do not mix up the dosages of these two...
  18. D

    The Danger Of Random Hook Ups During Covid?

    I’m not arguing that pandemics don’t suck or that we don’t have one. We have one, and it’s not optional, never has been. People who are worried for themselves shouldn’t leave their house, ever. That’s the price you have to pay. The fear some people with near zero risk have is disappointing. And...
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    The Danger Of Random Hook Ups During Covid?

    No, I said this.
  20. D

    Dating as a single dad is it even possible.

    I think he's right that, a vasectomy would probably rule you out for an LTR with the vast majority of 20-somethings with no kids. You could meet a 27yo five plus years from now and that would be a big problem for her most likely. You want to be able to give her one. I would add that fighting...