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  1. M

    Just Played My Top Card With The GF

    Just reading your text again , it seems like you are playing devil's advocate with the open relationship thing. You don't really want it but you are testing her reaction to it. And from the sounds of it you got what you wanted because she doesn't want an open relationship and from my feeling nor...
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    Just Played My Top Card With The GF

    In my opinion once she starts "stepping out" of your boundaries, this is beginning of the end. You have to ask yourself why she did so in the first place. Sure you did an admirable job of drawing the line and making sure she understood that and hopefully this is an isolated incident and won't...
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    Just Played My Top Card With The GF

    My 2 cents . The fact that you are even posting this means your gut is telling you there's trouble . Women who are into you won't confuse you or won't want to lose you. She shouldn't have even responded to Bob if she was afraid of losing you or is 100% into you. You know this is the beginning...
  4. M

    Beta buxxing can't be all that bad.

    if you were a chick , who would you rather go out with? A guy who buys you dinner or a guy that goes Dutch ? if you were a rich guy , why would care about paying a chicks dinner ? Being used ? BuyiNg dinner for a chick ? Is that alpha or beta?
  5. M

    She went cold all of a sudden few days after a wonderful date.

    How about 49 and 20 year old?
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    Should I reach out again?

    Low interest. Next
  7. M

    Three Dates And No Sex!

    Why is this thread still alive? No sex in 3 dates. Next.
  8. M

    Age May Matter for a Man when procuring young girls

    Teenagers will still bang Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.
  9. M

    She Doesn’t ORGASM During Sex?

    Not good. If you cant make her *** then it will be over for you soon.
  10. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    Hahaha ok bro.
  11. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    Yes she texted me 9 days later after my text asking her to go somewhere on her days off (which had already been gone since Easter holidays passed already ). She asked “how are you ?” With no mention of her ignoring my previous text. I text her back a day later saying I was busy etc. You’re...
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    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    In hindsight maybe I should have kept quiet and just found another chick and then dumped her . But it felt good to call her out on this.
  13. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I didn’t break frame . The most I did was ask her to get some days off during Easter so we could go away . She text me when she got a few days off and then I text her back saying let’s go “xxx”. After that she never replied. I didn’t follow up . She never responded until 9 days later asking how...
  14. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    Anyway maybe I made some beta moves subconsciously which led her to stray . I let my guard down and may game was soft. I know typically your are not supposed to but I did slvt shame her and it felt good. Before I knew about the other guy I was worried about losing her but for some reason when I...
  15. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    Bro . I did pull back . She never replied to a text I sent her . I felt something was off but I never double texted asking her why she didn’t reply . I just cut off contact . After a week she text me , asking how I was doing .
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    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I did like her until I found out she liked someone else.
  17. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I was dating her exclusively.
  18. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    or.....just disappear and ghost her.
  19. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I never want to be in that situation when a chick looks at you with contempt, likes she knows you NEED her.
  20. M

    Does Emotional cheating count ?

    I have stripper friends.