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  1. M

    Write this off as a loss/rejection?

    Zero interest . Move on.
  2. M

    True indifference means leaving this forum...eventually

    When did you realize she was low quality ? If it was when you were still in the relationship that maybe because you had no other options or onitis .
  3. M

    Breaking NC with a good outcome?

    Also I’m not giving advice . I’m saying that’s what I do. If you spin plates you don’t need to dump . You have a lot of chicks servicing you , if one drops off ,, who cares? OP followed some of the advice here because he was insecure . He dumped his chick. The irony is that his chick wasn’t even...
  4. M

    Breaking NC with a good outcome?

    Hahahahaha. I just stopped talking to an HB9 from Brazil . She’s a model . Really annoying . I
  5. M

    Breaking NC with a good outcome?

    Nah man. I have many plates . I don’t care and I don’t need to dump. I just stop talking to them because I am banging my other plates . If they dump me it’s not a big deal. If they never contact me it’s not a big deal. For me getting HB8/9 isn’t a problem .
  6. M

    Breaking NC with a good outcome?

    Just read your post . Bro you broke up with her. Be a man and respect your own decision. What will she think of you if you contact her ? People always say dump her first but I don’t like doing this because at some point down the road you will regret your actions and try to take it back . I...
  7. M

    Breaking NC with a good outcome?

    It’s pretty straightforward, if she doesn’t initiate that’s sign of low IL. Whether she banging some other dude is irrelevant. If she likes you she will reach out . Always be lazy with women. Be hardworking with your goals.
  8. M

    True indifference means leaving this forum...eventually

    They say the opposite of love isn’t hate but indifference. I believe true indifference is an attitude, a skill honed over time. You can’t be indifferent if you like a chick because you “like” her. That’s internal. But you can give the exterior impression that you are “indifferent” to her or...
  9. M

    How to actually get college girls as an older guy.

    Money = lifestyle = luxuries = college girl.
  10. M

    Allowing her to “miss” you

    Don’t get too invested. Your post says to me that you are . That’s when you get in trouble. Don’t overthink things. Get on with your life. If you are busy getting on with your life rather than thinking about how to game her she will automatically miss you.
  11. M

    How to proceed after this flake?

    Ghost . It didn’t go that well, or she would have countered. Your done my friend. Don’t contact her again.
  12. M

    How to get out of thought / attitude of "chasing"?

    Be with someone that wants to be with you. Ask a few times...if there is no reciprocation, then don’t waste anymore time.
  13. M

    Calling a girl out on flaking: DO or DON'T?

    No. Don’t waste your time. Move on to the next one. Exception is If she flakes and makes new arrangements. Be with someone who wants to be with you.
  14. M

    Broke some kind of rule

    Mistake #1 . Telling you liked her . Mistake #2. Telling her you didn’t want to stop talking to her Mistake #3. Not going to her place and banging the crap out of her. You came off as needy, dependent, low value . You shouldn’t contact her again.
  15. M

    Radar texts

    If you need to send radar texts .. you aren’t a priority. Enough said.
  16. M

    Radar texts

    This ^^^^^. If you have to send radar texts then she has low IL
  17. M

    COVID is a lie.

    Unemployment at 20% is a fact .
  18. M

    COVID is a lie.

    Il Tell that to people who work no. cruise ship, entertainment, casino , airlines etc
  19. M

    COVID is a lie.

    Nature at work . Are you going to save all the wildebeast from getting eaten by lions? I do care . I care about the billions who will get affected by losing their jobs and livilihoods If this lockdown continues.