Search results for query: college/

  1. M

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Agree with all above. Yes, I lived at home and commuted to a college a half hour away. I didn’t date in college because I still had no social skills at that time. I was also an engineering student around probably 90% dudes, except for the Gen Ed classes. And I probably knew I couldn’t...
  2. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    That's terrible parenting. Extracurriculars help in developing interests, social skills, social networks, and are valuable on college applications. Your mom should not have insisted on that haircut. Moms don't know good haircuts for sons in general. Did you go to a nearby college and live at...
  3. M

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I had divorced parents and was raised mostly by my mom. She was super strict and controlling. It was just school and go home to do homework. No extra curricular activities or parties of any kind were allowed. I was allowed one guy friend and even he had to visit me rather than the other...
  4. Manure Spherian

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Thank you for your candid post. It confirms my warning to young men who might be lurking here.
  5. N

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I agree and it’s been so difficult to fix. As I go down the recovery path, eventually my libido goes way up and I get demoralized since I know that because of the other aspects of my life that will turn women off, I won’t be having sex with women anytime soon. My current life situation keeps me...
  6. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    While it's totally true that having a muscular build can attract the ladies, I just remembered a time in college when a girl I dated off OkCupid flat out admitted to me the only reason she felt safe agreeing to come over my place after our 2nd date was because she was confident she could...
  7. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    My younger years were a lot like yours (even if not entirely identical). I managed to get one reciprocal schoolyard crush in elementary school (it only lasted maybe a month though). Middle school and high school, I never had any girlfriends (and like you, I graduated high school a kissless...
  8. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Fixing your PIED problem is your #1 task. Having good erectile is more important than getting shredded. That's a step the right direction. Are you still overweight? The problem is that you didn't use your time well at community college. There are community college with trade certification...
  9. N

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I have learned a lot of hard truths from SS, that’s for sure. Because I found out that I had PIED 10 years ago and felt that I was too damaged from all of the porn and masturbation for seduction to ever give me the results I’m looking for. I’ve lost close to 40 lbs of body fat so even though I...
  10. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    You have been on SoSuave for 3 years. What have you actually learned on SoSuave? In the last 15 years, why haven't you used the internet to learn seduction? Why haven't you lifted weights/played a sport? Attracting women is about looks first. Money, status, and personality also help, but you...
  11. N

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I live in America and like SW15, I disagree and think that there’s absolutely pressure to settle down and get married in America. I’ll try and summarize it the best I can because posts tend to get long when I explain it, but I saw friends get rejected starting back in elementary with innocent...
  12. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I remember a time when a woman (born the same year as me) said once a man reaches a certain age and hasn't been married, it makes a woman wonder what's wrong with him (she wasn't saying that about me specifically; she was speaking in generalities). I (for the most part) have never been the type...
  13. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Player lifestyles are frowned upon outside of a big city? I was raised in a small town (population below 20 thousand). My childhood house was only a few miles away from farmland. Yet the player lifestyle was huge at my high school (Even though I didn't partake. Had I gone to high school parties...
  14. RangerMIke

    Feel the butterflies and approach!

    It depends on how you actually do cold calling. I agree, most companies do not know how to do this... just like most men do not know how to do cold approach. A company that does a sh1t job of cold calling appear to be poorly run: men who do a sh1t job of cold approach appear to be of poor...
  15. G

    At what point were tech methods easiest for a guy?

    Yeah, Craigslist worked for me. I had sex with 5 broads from Craigslist during college. I posted niche ads. Niche ads disqualified a lot of broads. But at the same time, if a woman happened to fit the description of my niche ad, she'd be more likely to reply (compared to if I had posted a...
  16. G

    At what point were tech methods easiest for a guy?

    I've used Bumble before. I like how Bumble is set up so that the woman has to send the first message. I have had broads message me on Bumble (but nothing's ever come of it). I met 2 girls on OkCupid back in college. One I had 2 dates with. The other one went cold on me after our first date (I...
  17. SW15

    Feel the butterflies and approach!

    It's true that I do not like to stay up late. I have disliked it more as I have aged though I didn't even like it in my teens and the first half of my 20s. Do you know how I dealt with that? I spent the 2000s and early 2010s going to college parties and bars, which did require me to have...
  18. G

    Feel the butterflies and approach!

    Sad but true. The only time an in-person ask out has worked was with the super strange girl in one of my college classes (the girl I ended up having to dump after a week). All my other "free" successes have come from either tech methods, the woman making the move on me, or it just sort of...
  19. SW15

    What do you think about this reddit post?

    Big USA city, post-college game is not a cure for those who have difficult times in high school and college. Plenty of men have limited success in college and in big USA cities after college.
  20. Solomon

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I talk a lot about Logistics Access Retention These things have made a huge difference for me personally especially in the last 4-6 years. Your location (Logistics)) makes a huge difference if a place doesn't work for you dating-wise then you may want to venture out. I have mentioned it to...