Search results for query: college/

  1. G

    interaction with my next door neighbor failed to go as planned

    With all due respect, you'll never understand what I go through unless you also were viewed as the freaky creep of your high school (or freaky creep of your college major department). Rejection stings a lot more when you have a history of getting rejected for being the freaky creep of your...
  2. G

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    Being 8 years younger than you, the social skills erosion had gotten worse by the time I was in college. I saw a similar pattern to the one you described (despite the stereotype of college men having casual sex galore, most sexually active male classmates got their sex from a girlfriend). I've...
  3. B

    interaction with my next door neighbor failed to go as planned

    Then stop allowing your self worth to depend on outside stimuli. The problem is, you don't think you are worth anything and need outside stimuli and validation to boost your value internally. That's a recipe for failure and it needs to change if you want to be successful at anything, not just...
  4. G

    interaction with my next door neighbor failed to go as planned

    I've done some thinking on the topic of ask outs/rejection/panic attacks (that's the good thing about being in the same job for 5 years: your tasks become 2nd nature, thus giving you time to think about personal stuff) There's both good news and bad news. The good news: I fully believe my...
  5. AmsterdamAssassin

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    No, that's not what you're saying. You say: If you mean that YOU are unable to stay in a group where someone rejected you, you should've written: "To apply your point on a broader scale, any time I get rejected by a woman through a social activity I partake in, I then have to quit whatever...
  6. C

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    I have less luck then you do and I understand where you are coming from. However, if I thought like you, then I would have resigned from my job. What I'm saying, is sometimes you have to roll with the punches. Sometimes life has a way of helping you out when everything is going wrong and...
  7. G

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    I'm aware not everyone would quit a social group over a rejection. All I'm saying is I would quit the group. As for why, a guy with as much luck as you wouldn't understand. When every rejection from classmates in middle school/high school/college was along the lines of "Ew, no, you're the freak...
  8. MatureDJ

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    It's OVER for HotGirlUStudentCels.
  9. B

    interaction with my next door neighbor failed to go as planned

    My God man...have some respect for yourself
  10. SW15

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    I did see the writing on the wall throughout my college years (2001-2005) that inceldom was going to become common. One of the things I saw on campus is that most men who tried to live the "player" lifestyle and seduce numerous women were generally sexless men. When I say generally sexless...
  11. G

    interaction with my next door neighbor failed to go as planned

    It's a simple fact young broads are at high risk of getting pregnant. No amount of rationalization will change that fact. One time in college, I made a young woman I met on a dating/hookup website provide medical documentation proving she was on birth control before we had sex. She obliged...
  12. G

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    Pretty sure a major reason for Gen Y/Z sexlessness is the fact technology made a lot of Gen Y/Z socially awkward. You (one of the oldest Millennials) have said before that even in your college years, you started to see the writing on the wall that inceldom would become common (as a lot of male...
  13. C

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    Why did people view you as a freaky creep?
  14. G

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    I went to a therapist this summer in an attempt to address many issues (one of which being my fear of rejection). He wasn't of much help (on the rejection part at least) I'm pretty sure my intense fear of rejection is rooted in my past. I was viewed as the freaky creep of the school in middle...
  15. Manure Spherian

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    I think you have to handle this before you deal with women at all. This is not normal, and I say this with respect.
  16. G

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    Which brings us to yet another problem: I find it miserable to cross paths with a woman I got rejected by (I speak from experience. I've been in that position before. Never again. I was so glad when I graduated high school and college, as it meant I would never have to cross paths with a...
  17. H

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    yeah, sometimes i have this mindset, if you're a guy, the world owes you nothing, but its the opposite for women. Just bringing this up because, i sadly came across some cases of guys, men, that just were angry and depressing reminders.
  18. B

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    You may have more success pursuing schlong rather than beaver
  19. MatureDJ

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    The point is that in general, being worthy enough to get a hug is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition to intimacy. At the very least, if a chick hugs Adam but not Bob, it can be deduced that Bob will not get intimacy, whereas Adam might. Of course, this only applied to a particular...
  20. G

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    I don't know for a fact he's a virgin. I just know I've never heard him mention getting laid, nor have I ever even heard of him having a girlfriend or going on a date. He used to make comments (back when he was in high school and college) about sex before marriage being immoral. Come to think...