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  1. C

    a post about spiritual growth/women and becoming powerful

    Great post Limerick!!! It's easy to get into the women hating mode (WHM) due to the games they play, their ability to manipulate, their coldness, and all the crap you have to go thru just to have a decent life with them. I'm 47 with lots of women experiences under my belt, but as each year...
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    New Rules For Being a DJ in 2015

    I'm a bit older and have a few long term relationships under my belt. All were very positive relationships. So I do have a clue what works with women and how they tick. With that said, no one really fully understands women. They are strange animals. Thus, the best we can hope for are general...
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    I,m Feeling Suspicious About The New Girlfriend??

    It really does not matter why she disappears and speculating will drive you crazy....just don't do it. But it appears that she keeps coming back for more, and that's a good sign. And even if she is dating other guys, she has a right to do so. IMO, the real issue here is how interested she is...
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    should i be worried

    I read that the chances of getting herpes from one random occasion of intercourse is like 3%. Now, if a condom is used and it does its job properly (e.g., it does not tear), then the chances are much less than that.
  5. C

    Dropped Plate wants back in.

    2.5 months is a long time. Thus, her interest in you is probably minimal. Perhaps she is just bored, and wanted to see if you would respond. Anyway, it won't hurt to put her back into the rotation as long as your expectations are extremely low.
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    I,m Feeling Suspicious About The New Girlfriend??

    "sometimes she just disappears off whatsapp, for most of the day and night." How often during the week do these instances occur? If it is once or twice a week, it's crazy to speculate that she is seeing someone else. However, if it is half the time or more, then there is something else...
  7. C

    How would you guys have done it?

    "We started talking again recently and I really wanna bang her again." Who initiated the contact and how? If you initiated, the fact that she is brushing you off is not a good sign. If she initiated, she may genuinely be busy. In that case, the ball is in her court. Don't contact her. Go out...
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    I,m Feeling Suspicious About The New Girlfriend??

    Or you could try the old fashioned approach and just say that you are ready for something more exclusive Not necessarily.
  9. C

    I,m Feeling Suspicious About The New Girlfriend??

    First, remember the golden rule when in the early dating phase - you initiated contact with her, so now let her pursue you. You are a challenge. your are the catch - not her. so always give a bit less than she does. If you are too easy and available, she might lose interest and explore other...