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  1. G

    Why do POF and the women on it pretend to be so anti sex?

    It really is just a lame attempt at deflecting the my experience, if she fancies you, anything written in her profile gets instantly forgotten. I've been amazed at the women I've bedded and how their profiles did not square up to their words. Their actions were much nicer though ;)
  2. G

    Inexperience young man needing some perspective and advice.

    Women in their 20s pay the field as much as guys do. I suggest you do. Just don't go in expecting a relationship each time - only fun. It takes the pressure off you to perform and you then don't come across as needy - the one thing that kills attraction in women. You are going to bang many women...
  3. G

    WTH happened?

    She's young and playing games. Do not pursue, but withdraw a little, act cool, let her see you with other women, let her do the running...otherwise you're in for months of hot/cold treatment that will damage you more. Just because she seems interested, it doesn't mean she's right for you. Treat...
  4. G

    Did You Get Back With Your Ex? Was It A Mistake

    You deserve better. It's easier than you think. Plenty of fish out there. You're in the prime of your life - get the best deal you can. "It is better to have loved and lost, than to have spent the rest of your life with a psycho ***** from hell."
  5. G

    I'm so confused. Advice needed.

    This girl has shown no interest in having a relationship with you. Don't go expecting one. Treat her as an opportunity to learn a few things and hopefully have some fun - because fun is what she is looking for - nothing more and nothing less. Remember: no glovey, no lovey. I can guarantee this...