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  1. D

    Does this girl like me?

    Thanks guys, I figured as much. It really helps to hear it from others! Yes those signals are clear. Where I was having the problem is I've asked her out twice now... the first time she said yes, but then said she was sick so canceled, then the next week I asked her out again and she said she...
  2. D

    Does this girl like me?

    Stupid question here, but please I really do appreciate your opinions. There's this girl that I'm kinda getting mixed signals from and want your "outside" opinions. Basically we're in the beginning process of starting a relationship (nothing solid yet). But she invites me over frequently...
  3. D

    Dating Frequency - Opinions Wanted

    I have some more questions for you DJ's out there.. I've searched this sight over and haven't really found a clear picture on how soon you should set up another date after your first one, second, etc? (i.e. you don't want to prematurely scare her off, right?) Let me give you an example...
  4. D

    Should You Let A Girl Know They Pissed You Off?

    Remember, actions speak louder than words. Words make you weak and take your power away, because it will just be her word against yours if she disagrees with you. However if you start ignoring her or even doing the same thing back to her, you're taking the power back for yourself and you don't...
  5. D

    What should my next move be?

    Hey DJ's, I have a quesion for you? There's this girl that I met 5 months ago, who really started liking me.. I was getting over a break up and wasn't interested. I had to tell her this to not lead her on. She was very cool and said okay lets just be friends. We hung out all the time. She...
  6. D

    Am I reading to much into this?

    Mavrick, you are the man! Thanks again. I agree with all you said... I am somewhat new at this, but learning fast. :)
  7. D

    Am I reading to much into this?

    Hey DJ's, I was wondering if I could pick your brains for a sec. About 4 months ago, I met this girl that was very interested in me. Texted me all the time, invited me over for movies, etc. At the time I wasn't interested in her (I was just getting over a break up). However, she made if very...
  8. D

    Please Please help with my Ex

    I need some solid advice. Me and my girlfriend have been going out over a year. We decided to take a break only a month ago. She wanted to get married and I wasn't ready yet. I was just confused and needed space. She said she wanted to date other guys because she felt idle with me. But now...