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  1. N

    Sleeping well??

    Interesting, I assume you mean dark circles under the eyes. I have these too and have had for years regardless of my sleep pattern, though obviously worse when not sleeping well. I recall reading somewhere that its hereditary and my mother having them seems to support this.
  2. N

    Sleeping well??

    I have three (because I'm a cheap sh**e and get the type that flattened in a week:) ) The fact you are getting to sleep would seem to indicate that its not the pillows, or are you waking because of a stiff neck? As has been said, experiment with different arrangements.
  3. N

    Execising While Sick...

    Interesting thread. I have had a cold myself this last two weeks and have been training as normal because of the fear of becoming lazy and because I like it. But will take a break now. MY question concerns running during winter. Does running outdoors during a cold spell increase the chances...
  4. N

    Working women: Waitresses, Bar staff etc

    Thanks for the advice on bar/wait staff, I am generally put off going after them under the belief that they are hit upon by every second male customer and so generally won't appreciate the attention. My question is about shop staff. A young one whom I have taken a fancy to works at my local...
  5. N

    48hrs Into Boot Camp And Already Dying

    Hi, I started the boot camp 48 hours ago and I am worse off now then i was before starting. I am suppose to get 50 hi and make eye contact. I have yet to manage a single eye contact and its not for want of trying. In the past I have never had trouble walking down the street and making eye...
  6. N

    Up to date : The Uk.

    Am based in Hammersmith, am still a novice, don't think I'd be much help at this stage but am eager to start the process.
  7. N

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    United Kingdom/London