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  1. M

    Nervous around girl I like

    Ok, first things first. The be yourself bit, totally agree with that. The part where you just treat her like a friend, no. It's my personal opinion and experience that doesn't work. There's a difference between being casual around a girl and treating her as a friend. Be casual don't treat her as...
  2. M

    When is it creepy to still be hooking up with 18 and 19 year olds?

    I work at a music venue/bar so we have shows that bring in people of all ages, not just people over 21. I've found that this last year I've been attracting a lot of girls that are 18, 19, and 20.. I feel weird about it because I'm 28 but not so weird that I've let it stop me from doing it.
  3. M

    I get girls but still need help

    I guess I've always admired the ability to cold approach. To talk to a girl you not only don't know but have no reason to talk to. Working at a bar gives me plenty of reason to talk to girls. Outside of that I lack the ability.
  4. M

    I get girls but still need help

    I'm getting girls because I work at a bar. As a bartender conversation is part of the job. Girls talk to me while waiting for friends, with their friends, instead of friends. I usually get a couple of numbers a week and of those half turn to dates and half of that I hook up with. And I don't...
  5. M

    I get girls but still need help

    I should say that outside of work I don't talk to girls. I'm a bartender. Talking to people is part of my job and pulling girls at work is easy.
  6. M

    I get girls but still need help

    Like the title says, I don't really have trouble getting girls. Once a conversation gets started I'm good. For reading threads my sense of humor lends itself naturally to techniques you guys use. I'm not overly complimentary and I like making fun of them. My problem is getting the conversation...
  7. M

    What went wrong?

    I'm gonna take a different track and not blame feminism. Could be that's what it is but everyone else already has said a fair amount about that. I'm gonna say you went to a slightly flirty line (I know you weren't trying to flirt but that line is slightly flirty) too soon. Also in the wrong...
  8. M

    It's crazy the difference in dating between younger and older women

    I'm new to this site, don't know most of the words you guys are using like smv or ioi. Never the less, I'm gonna give my 2 cents. I think the big problem isn't women in their 20's. I think it's your attitude. Based on your post here, and there's no way of saying this without being rude but I'm...