Search results for query: college/

  1. SW15

    Dating nowadays

    I don't agree with this comment. I've seen instances women with well-adjusted backgrounds end up with big time douchebags. I can relate to what's being discussed. My mom raised me primarily as my dad worked a lot. I was in high school by the time they divorced and most of the way to...
  2. B

    Should I stay in my LTR or spin some plates?

    @The Duke gave some pretty good advice already, but I'll weigh in as well on this. First of all, I'm promiscuous, so I'm probably not the best person in the world to give advice about long, happy relationships. That said, my brother and sister are NOT like me. My brother met his girlfriend as...
  3. The Duke

    Should I stay in my LTR or spin some plates?

    Life is way too short to compromise and settle for something that isn't all that it should be. I once married my highschool sweetheart. She was the only girl I ever had sex with. We dated long distance thru college and finally got married. Most of those 15yrs were very good and we were a...
  4. B

    Is my daygame cold approach socially awkward?

    @Learning Curve pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I'll elaborate on a few points: This is a general rule, but take advice from people who have the thing you want. For example, I highly doubt your friends who "only approach girls on Instagram" are banging a bunch of hot chicks...that...
  5. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    I have not read all the posts on this thread. This is my first post on this forum, although I used to read it very often many years ago when I was developing my own system for seduction, romance, dating, and eventually marriage. I Have been happily married for 18 years. Before that I was a very...
  6. P


    yeh, this probably can be traced to some childhood stuff. Lots of people have the same thing, we call it being shy. Its normal, and its also one of the most important things to work on, like foundation level stuff. How do you feel when someone cold approaches you? It depends on when...
  7. SW15

    Which Tinder ' About me, Bio description' sounds more attractive to you?

    That's a great question and I wish I had a better answer for it. It is messed up. I was primarily raised by my mother and she raised me as the typical beta male nice guy provider type. As I reached sexual maturity in my teen years, I discovered that the traits I was raised with were not...
  8. All_Kindz_Of_Gainz

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    This is why you wasted your life chasing tail instead of developing into a great man cause you got your heart broken? That trauma is deep inside of you, did you get therapy? Its not too late though, remember, people post on social media what they wanna show, you don't know the history
  9. The Diver

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    Let me see if I understand. Many years ago you dated a girl. At some point, she breaks up with you. You convinced her to get back to you. She did for a short time, then broke up with you, this time for good. You did some stupid s*"t, and eventually, she ghosted you all together. ( Can't see...
  10. B

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    Offered me friendship? What are you talking about? Why do I hold resentment? I was emotionally invested in her and the way things ended was dishonest, so I wasn't happy about it but it's college and life went on, no big deal... But then my best friend f***s her in the bed next to me in a...
  11. The Diver

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    Marcus Aurelius once said: If you'll be asked to get rid off one thing in your life - get rid off your Ego. She didn't want you then, and she doesn't want you now, and that's what killing you.
  12. B

    I wonder how women feel

    I don't think it's set in stone...I don't know if you've seen Salma Hayek lately, but she's 57...and she can still absolutely get it. It's just that most people don't take care of themselves. There are plenty of hot college girls...there are less hot 30-year-olds...and even less hot...
  13. Solomon

    Has anyone done Sales?

    I actually agree with you on this, I did retail during college then moved to Sales in my late 20s for a small company(this was at the tail end of the recession during the Obama years). It was the worst work experience ever. The office politics were toxic as hell, no real formal training, I...
  14. SW15

    Koko Beaute Has Officially Hit 'The Wall'. She's an Example for All Women About What Can Happen When Riding the Penis Carousel

    Your point of view makes sense and I think it is contributing factor to the later in life "corporate merger" vibe. I don't think it's the leading factor. When a couple meets earlier in life and the relationship lasts for a long time, the couple grows together and experiences life together. They...
  15. S

    Koko Beaute Has Officially Hit 'The Wall'. She's an Example for All Women About What Can Happen When Riding the Penis Carousel

    And people can win the lottery. Do most people win the lottery? No... We are not talking about edge cases, but average case. The average case is that as women get older, their chances of getting married goes down drastically. Perhaps they are too picky (alpha widowed).. or perhaps, men at...
  16. B

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    This might be a long post, but this girl just popped up in my Facebook suggested friends and it brought me now I'm very angry looking at how well her life's been going so I want to get this off my chest. Please don't expect a TL;DR for this, if it's too long, just don't read it. This...
  17. SW15

    Koko Beaute Has Officially Hit 'The Wall'. She's an Example for All Women About What Can Happen When Riding the Penis Carousel

    This can happen. It would be unusual though given the buffet of penis most women are offered. Let's consider a typical White, Millennial, middle class + woman in the United States. In high school, she gets many offers for penis. She rejects most but accepts a small number. Maybe she has 1-2...
  18. self_is_an_illusion

    Plinco's cold approach journal

    How is this "good"? Bro, that's like a 0% batting average.
  19. FlexpertHamilton

    Dating apps and data harvesting

    Who is they? The big tech giants? What are they doing with this information other than targeted ads? Are they selling it to the government? I don't really send much compromising stuff, certainly not dirty pics, and I just cannot think of any relevant or useful information that I'm giving out in...
  20. Solomon

    Dating apps and data harvesting

    They have access to the conversations you have with women, they have access to your contacts, microphone and camera. They could listen in on your phone even when you're not using it! Now why would dating apps need access to your contacts, microphone and camera? even after you stop using the...