Search results for query: college/

  1. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    As someone who's never been drunk (and has no desire to get drunk), college parties sound miserable (and I am glad I never went to a college party)
  2. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    Male college students would be better off trying to get first dates in classes rather than at off campus parties. Off campus parties are inefficient for most men for that. If you're a good looking, 'Chad' type, then you have a better chance. Most of the mid-tier guys are going to get drunk and...
  3. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I dated a girl from one of my college classes briefly. She wouldn't even let me touch her backside (or kiss her), let alone have sex. I dumped her after about a week. In many cases though, you're right, finding a girlfriend from class can lead to sex. You're right about frat brothers and...
  4. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    The reality of college sex is far from its fantasy. The type off campus college party at some rented house near campus or in a well known apartment complex filled with students is less likely to lead to sex than alcohol intoxication. Less sex happens at off campus residence parties than one...
  5. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I got free sex way easier in college/pre-25 compared to post-25. I've only had free sex one time post-25. Still, getting free sex was a challenge pre-25. For every free lay I got from hookup websites, I'd estimate I wasted 100+ hours on fruitless endeavors on the hookup websites.
  6. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    On the surface, it would be appear getting laid in college is extremely easy (compared to the real world). However, as has been pointed out on this forum before (I believe @SW15 was who pointed this out; possibly others too), the monogamous long-term girlfriend is how the typical college male...
  7. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I would have to remember some hottie's maiden name from 20 years ago. That's not always easy. That has helped me with some in the past but I can't get every female that way. Some people also manage to get their names removed from those too. Also, some of those websites are a bit shady. True...
  8. CornbreadFed

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    Op has a point, but the majority of men will not get the opportunity to experience this post college boom. Most men are just better off capitalizing in college or pre 25 years then expecting another wave after their twenties.
  9. H

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I can't speak for everyone else's experiences but I think most adult men would struggle to match the opportunities afforded to them in college. I lived in a co-ed dorm for two years and there were young, hot, eager to have fun girls everywhere. In the lobby, roaming the floors, in the men's...
  10. Velasco

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    So this was what 2013? I don't think girls back then were as dedicated about fitness and dietary habits as girls today that grew up with tiktok. So the girls I been with thus far have none of the cons you listed above
  11. CornbreadFed

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I go to an expensive gym and the older women there do turn eyes. It is all about the individual at the end of the day. I can tell if an 18-20 year old girl is just living off her youth and not taking care of herself on the inside. Even in my college fraternity, we had a story or something...
  12. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    There are various public people-searching websites where even if you search by a maiden name, it will likely pull up the woman (and show you her AKAs). That's one way to find the married name of your former classmates.
  13. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    There are 18-23 year old females that are doing well based on the fact that they are 18-23. I have seen some social media profiles in more recent years of some of the hotties from my "Hot Girl U" college attendance era of 2001-2005. Some aged well and some did not. These are women who are now...
  14. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    Anna Kournikova is another celebrity crush I had. I lost track of her. After looking up what she currently looks like, her looks have gone downhill. I hadn't heard of Sharapova. After looking her up, I agree, her looks have gone downhill too. Naomi Watts was perhaps a late bloomer. In the...
  15. CornbreadFed

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I would take a 27-year-old that take care of herself and looks younger than her age over a 20 year old that is just riding off the fact that she's 20. Like I mentioned before, people rarely look their age. They either look younger or older than their actual age. A 20 year old can easily look...
  16. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    On the flipside, in some cases, it can be hard to even tell the difference between 27 vs college-aged. My first semester of college, there was a 27 year old senior in my major program. She looked older than me, no doubt. But I would have guessed she was a traditional age senior (21-22) if I...
  17. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    At the risk of contradicting what I said about preferring an older woman for sex, I had a female friend in college who was a total head-turner at 19. She's currently 34. In a recent picture I saw of her, she doesn't even look good.
  18. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I am a long time recreational tennis player and that's important context for the story I'm about to share. In my first job after college, I remember talking about Maria Sharapova one time in the work breakroom. This happened in Fall 2005 when Sharapova was 18 and I was 22 then. Sharapova had...
  19. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    All women of the typical undergrad ages who attend college will be peaking at 18-23. If a woman takes care of herself as an undergrad and as a post-college woman, her peak will still be earlier. She'll experience less of a drop off. A 27 year old isn't as vibrant as a 20 year old, even an...
  20. CornbreadFed

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    They looked liked high schoolers to me or 20 year olds. I do think average college women peak in looks sophomore-junior years. If a girl takes care of herself and has healthy routines then she will peak at a later age. However, if we are talking about a typical npc woman that’s lazy and just...