Search results for query: college/

  1. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    There are certain general lessons I've learned through the years (don't act overly thirsty, for example). In the specific instance of the college classmate having me share a seat with her, I have no idea what I did wrong (so no idea what I could have done differently) As for the "eat what the...
  2. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    I was raised in a small town where many stay in the same small town for life. Even for those who leave, they typically stay within a 1 hour (maybe 2 hours tops) drive. Many people I went to high school with are currently married to each other. You're damn right that staying in the same area...
  3. G

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    Part of it could be the small pond vs big pond thing. A college, even a big one, is a small pond compared to the real world. A popular college football player obviously has a lot of social status at college parties. Unless he makes it to the NFL, however, he becomes a nobody after college.
  4. G

    my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness

    I must say your assessment of me is all over the place. One minute you'll compliment the fact I've nailed 9 free partners (6 of which happened during college) in spite of everything working against me. Then the next minute, you'll tell me the fact I got all my college sex through tech methods...
  5. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    From my observations in high school, the male students with bad boy tendencies were the high school peakers.
  6. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    In college, a female classmate asked me for assistance in the computer lab. Rather than having me pull up a chair, she scooted over in her chair (and told me to share the seat with her). Sounds like a pretty sure sign she was into me. Yet a short bit later when I expressed interest in her...
  7. SW15

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    On the first page of the Dallas Scene thread, I wrote... Dallas is a rather mediocre mating environment. I wouldn't recommend moving here as a means of improving mating outcomes. However, this does not mean that it is not a good place to live when considering all lifestyle variables. If...
  8. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Almost all of the sexual marketplace experiences before 22-23 are based solely on circumstances. Height is an important factor and dependent on your parents' genetics. Geographic constancy will help a lot if your parents keep you in the same geographic for the entirety of the K-12 years. The...
  9. CornbreadFed

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    When the bars started becoming more popular my age and hanging around freshmen became "weird" & "not fun" I definitely took a nose dive in lays because it is much harder to talk to women at bars/clubs then it is at a house party. In addition, I felt like alcohol had to always be present when...
  10. N

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    That was my experience too and yeah it was miserable. That was another bad thing about community college is that living at home is your only option.
  11. Jesse Pinkman

    The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.

    Not sure if it is just me but I noticed that almost every guy I knew that was good with women in college fell off hard after it if he relied on social circles or parties his friends threw. Like something about this means that the guy cannot transition into cold approach in the real world at...
  12. Jesse Pinkman

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    @SW15 So many posts for me to respond to but I will speak on men peaking after 30. What I have personally found is that men who peak earlier in life just had easier lives and easier circumstances growing up. This is what people miss. Success with women when you are young is based on...
  13. M

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Agree with all above. Yes, I lived at home and commuted to a college a half hour away. I didn’t date in college because I still had no social skills at that time. I was also an engineering student around probably 90% dudes, except for the Gen Ed classes. And I probably knew I couldn’t...
  14. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    That's terrible parenting. Extracurriculars help in developing interests, social skills, social networks, and are valuable on college applications. Your mom should not have insisted on that haircut. Moms don't know good haircuts for sons in general. Did you go to a nearby college and live at...
  15. M

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I had divorced parents and was raised mostly by my mom. She was super strict and controlling. It was just school and go home to do homework. No extra curricular activities or parties of any kind were allowed. I was allowed one guy friend and even he had to visit me rather than the other...
  16. Manure Spherian

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Thank you for your candid post. It confirms my warning to young men who might be lurking here.
  17. N

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I agree and it’s been so difficult to fix. As I go down the recovery path, eventually my libido goes way up and I get demoralized since I know that because of the other aspects of my life that will turn women off, I won’t be having sex with women anytime soon. My current life situation keeps me...
  18. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    While it's totally true that having a muscular build can attract the ladies, I just remembered a time in college when a girl I dated off OkCupid flat out admitted to me the only reason she felt safe agreeing to come over my place after our 2nd date was because she was confident she could...
  19. G

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    My younger years were a lot like yours (even if not entirely identical). I managed to get one reciprocal schoolyard crush in elementary school (it only lasted maybe a month though). Middle school and high school, I never had any girlfriends (and like you, I graduated high school a kissless...
  20. SW15

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    Fixing your PIED problem is your #1 task. Having good erectile is more important than getting shredded. That's a step the right direction. Are you still overweight? The problem is that you didn't use your time well at community college. There are community college with trade certification...